
Final release of studioSL based on NetBeans 8.1

The final update to studioSL based on NetBeans 8.1 has been released as studioSL 2020.0324. A new release of studioSL based on NetBeans 11.3 will be release in early 2020. A fresh install will be required to access studioSL-11.3. Note that old and new studioSL versions can co-exist.

studioSL Release V2019.1114

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. Or for off-line install options, visit our download page.  The major improvement in this release is that the Project Viewer has been improved to show floodOPT, HM, multiRUNS projects within their respective Simulation or Surveillance project folder.  See release log for more information.

SPE Paper on Improving Waterflood Efficiency in the Wilmington Field

SPE 195372, titled "Improving Water Efficiency in the Wilmington Field Using Streamline-Based Surveillance" has been presented at the 2019 Western Regional Meeting in San Jose, California.  This paper demonstrates an excellent application of Streamsim's patented technology to increase oil rates and reduce watercuts by setting well rate targets driven by dynamic flow-based injector patterns and allocation factors. Results show a decrease in annual oil rate decline from 22% to 2% for the Tar 2 fault block, and a decrease in annual oil rate decline from 15% to 5% for the Ranger fault block.

studioSL Release V2018.1031

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. Or for off-line install options, visit our download page.  The major improvement in this release is that the Project Viewer has been improved to show floodOPT, HM, multiRUNS projects within their respective Simulation or Surveillance project folder.  See release log for more information.

studioSL Release V2018.0901

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. For off-line install options, visit our download page.  studioSL v2018.0901 has a number of minor bug fixes outlined in the release log and also includes 3DSL v2018.0901 release.

studioSL Release V2018.0529

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. For off-line install options, visit our download page.

studioSL v2018.0529 has a number of minor bug fixes outlined in the release log

studioSL Release V2018.0201

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. For off-line install options, visit our download page.

Surveillance Book

We are happy to announce the publication of the book "Reservoir Pattern Surveillance of Mature Floods Using Streamlines" which is available for purchase at

Free Training Workshop: Reservoir Pattern Surveillance - Tulsa - April 18-19, 2018

Attend our free training workshop on reservoir pattern surveillance April 18-19, 2018 held immediately following the SPE IOR conference to be held in Tulsa, OK. Find out more information here. All participants will receive a free copy of the book: "Reservoir Pattern Surveillance of Mature Floods Using Streamlines."

Free Training Workshop: Reservoir Pattern Surveillance

This free workshop is for exploitation engineers working with mature water, polymer, or miscible floods who want to gain an understanding of how streamlines and our studioSL software can help.


Contact in USA

Corporate Headquarters 
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
865 25th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

Tel: (415) 386-0165

Contact in Canada

Canada Office 
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
Suite 102A - 625 14th Street N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A1

Tel: (403) 270-3945

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