
Streamsim booth at the 2012 SPE ATCE in San Antonio.

Visit Streamsim's boothеКat this year'sеКSPE ATCE in San Antonio, Oct 8-10.еКеКWe will beеКcelebrating our 15 year milestoneеКin the software business.еК Our booth number is 1427 or for further information on the ATCE followеК.

Taken at 2011 SPE ATCE, Oct 31, Halloween!


Marco Thiele has received the 2012 Lester Uren Award!

We at Streamsim are very happy and proud to announce that our president and co-founder, Marco Thiele, has been awarded the Lester Uren Award by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.еК The Lester C. Uren Award recognizes distinguished achievement in the technology of petroleum engineering.еК

Congratulations to Marco!еК

Public short course on History Matching

In conjunction with HOT Engineering we are happy to announce a 4-day short course on Modern History Matching Oct 15-18, 2012. The course will take place in Vienna, Austria. You can find details about the course here.

New floodOpt Web Tutorials Available

There are new tutorials posted, including two for floodOpt (examples with 3DSL and Eclipse).еК Please visit our tutorials page to view them.еК You must log in and be registered with Streamsim Connect to view the tutorials.еК

The Streamsim/Stanford History Matching JIP annual meeting was held on May 3-4, 2012

The Streamsim/Stanford History Matching JIP annual meeting was held on May 3-4, 2012 at Stanford University. Over 25 members from industry and academia attended to hear about the latest developments from our Joint Industry Project. Many thanks to all participants for a successful meeting!

Thiele on SPE Distinguished Lecture Tour in Russia

Marco Thiele will be in Russia on his last SPE Distinguished Lecture for the 2011/12 season and will visit the SPE sections in Ukhta (May 15th), Samara (May 17), Khanty Mansiysk (May 19), Tomsk (May 21), and Almetyevsk (May 23). He will talk about Streamlines in Modern Reservoir Engineering. Find out more about the SPE DL program here.

studioSL7 with new icons released

One of the features of the NetBeans platform on which studioSL is built is that updates are easily deployed. We make use of this feature to ensure that studioSL is continuously maintained and enhanced.

The Streamsim/Stanford History Matching JIP annual meeting

The Streamsim/Stanford History Matching JIPеКannual meetingеКwas heldеКon May 3-4, 2012 at Stanford University.еК Over 20 members from industry and academia attended.еК Many thanks to all participants for a successful meeting!

Using studioSL as a common RE platform

ReadеКabout using studioSL as a common RE platform by clicking here.

Marco Thiele 2011-2012 SPE Distinguished Lecturer

Streamlines in Modern Reservoir Engineering

How streamline simulation can be employed for managing and improving flood performance of brown fields.

This presentation is aimed at giving a high-level description of Streamline Simulation (SLS) and focusing on the use of the technology to help manage and optimize flood performance. Advantages and disadvantages of SLS are highlighted throughout for a balanced presentation of the methodology. The talk concludes with a look to the future by commenting on the directions SLS is evolving toward.


Contact in USA

Corporate Headquarters 
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
865 25th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

Tel: (415) 386-0165

Contact in Canada

Canada Office 
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
Suite 102A - 625 14th Street N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A1

Tel: (403) 270-3945

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