The Flux Pattern Map (FPmap) is a patented (US Patent 6,519,531) Streamsim visualization technology to display and quantify the connectivity between injector and producer pairs. In the FPmap, all streamlines connecting a source/sink pair--usually an injector/producer pair--are schematically represented by a line in which color, thickness, and label are used to characterize individual connections. This makes it very easy to quickly identify and quantify strong vs. weak connections between injectors and producers. Collectively, this data are called well-allocation-factors (WAFs) and are central for good field management. The WAFs necessarily change in time as the streamlines are updated due to changing well rates, closing/opening of wells, and/or the chaning of the insitu fluid distribution.

Red dots represent open producers and blue dots open injectors as seen from above at a partiuclar moment in time. Streamlines calculated by 3DSL using the underlying 3D grid with spatial geological properties and (historical) well rates connect injectors and producers.
To better represent which wells are connected, injectors and producers are connected by a line in which color, thickness, and label are used to characterize individual connections. The result is Streamsim's patented Flux Pattern Map (FPmap). Here, all injector-producers connections going to the same injector are colored by the same color making it easy to identify patterns.

Each connection in the FPmap can be visualized with different type of data, such as allocation factors, reservoir rate, etc... In addition, the FPmap can be used to determine flood patterns in the field. For example, by defining a pattern as being an injector and all the off-set production wells the injector is associated with, then coloring the connections by the color associated with an injector the patterns clearly stand out.

Well allocation factors using the volume rate of the injectors as normalizing value for the connections.
Well allocation factors using the volume rate of the producers as normalizing value for the connections.