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Batycky, R.P. and Thiele, M.R.:"Rapid Uncertainty Quantification and Forecasting of Infill Wells in Mature Floods Using Streamline Surveillance Models," Paper presented SPE Advances in Integrated Reservoir Modelling and Field Development Conference and Exhibition, SPE-225374-MS, Abu-Dhabi, 2-4 June, 2025. Thiele, M.R., Batycky, R.P., Manfre, D.: "Rapid Reservoir Forecasting of Brown Fields with Data-Driven Streamline-Based Surveillance Models," Paper presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference 2025, IPTC-25003, Kuala Lumpur,18-20 Feb, 2025.
Perea Garcia, M.C., Manfre Jaimes, D., Batycky, R.P., and Thiele, M.R. "Polymer Flood Management of El Corcobo Norte Using Streamlines" , Paper presented at the 8° Congreso Producción y Desarrollo de Reservas, 8-10 Noviembre 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina Kalitsun, Viktor, Fazelipour, Waleed, Thiele, Marco, and Rod Batycky. "Application of Streamline-Based WAG Injection Rate Management to Improve Oil Recovery of GLSAU CO2 Flood. " Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 2023.
Adamson, Scott, Giden, Ilhami, and Ronald Matzka-Pöll. "Implementation of Streamline Derived Rate Targets Improved Oil Production of Mature Field. " Paper presented at the SPE EuropEC - Europe Energy Conference featured at the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, June 2022. Guerrero-Lee, Marilou Tanchuling, Manfre, Diego, and Marco Roberto Thiele. "Effective Well Rate Management Using a Streamline-Based Model in Belridge Diatomite Waterflood. " Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, USA, April 2022.
Kwong, Ryan R., Kellogg, Ryan P., Thiele, Marco R., and David M. Simmons. "Improving Water Efficiency in the Wilmington Field Using Streamline-Based Surveillance. " Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, San Jose, California, USA, April 2019. Steineder, Dominik , Clemens, Torsten , Osivandi, Keyvan , and Marco R. Thiele. "Maximizing the Value of Information of a Horizontal Polymer Pilot Under Uncertainty Incorporating the Risk Attitude of the Decision Maker. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 22 (2019): 756–774.
Batycky, Rod P., and Marco R. Thiele. "Material Balance Applied to Dynamic Reservoir-Surveillance Patterns. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 21 (2018): 566–575. Steineder, Dominik , Clemens, Torsten , Osivandi, Keyvan , and Marco Thiele. "Maximizing Value of Information of a Horizontal Polymer Pilot Under Uncertainty. " Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2018. Hingerl, Ferdinand F., Thiele, Marco R., and Rod P. Batycky. "Reservoir Management of a Low-Salinity Flood on a Per-Pattern Basis. " Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, April 2018. Batycky, R.P. and Thiele, M.R. "Reservoir Pattern Surveillance of Mature Floods ", Streamsim Technologies, Jan. 2018.
Chiotoroiu, Maria-Magdalena , Peisker, Jörg , Clemens, Torsten , and Marco R. Thiele. "Forecasting Incremental Oil Production of a Polymer-Pilot Extension in the Matzen Field Including Quantitative Uncertainty Assessment. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 20 (2017): 0894–0905. Sieberer, Martin , Peisker, Jörg , Clemens, Torsten , and Marco R. Thiele. "Infill Well Portfolio Management under Uncertainty – Application to the 8 TH Reservoir, Austria. " Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, June 2017. Batycky, Rod P., Thiele, Marco R., and Mahdi Razavi. "Material Balance Applied to Dynamic Reservoir Surveillance Patterns. " Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, April 2017.
Thiele, Marco R., and Rod P. Batycky. "Evolve: A Linear Workflow for Quantifying Reservoir Uncertainty. " Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September 2016. Batycky, R.P. and Thiele, M. R.:"Mature Flood Surveillance Using Streamlines " JPT, May 2016, pp 22-25. Chiotoroiu, Maria-Magdalena , Peisker, Joerg , Clemens, Torsten , and Marco R. Thiele. "Forecasting Incremental Oil Production of a Polymer Pilot Extension in the Matzen Field Including Quantitative Uncertainty Assessment. " Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, April 2016.
Choudhuri, Biswajit , Thakuria, Chandan , Belushi, Abdul Aziz, Nurzaman, Zamzam , Hashmi, Khalid Al, and Rod Batycky. "Optimization of a Large Polymer Flood With Full-Field Streamline Simulation. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 18 (2015): 318–328.
Wen, T., Thiele, M.R., Echeverria Ciaurri, D., Aziz, K., and Ye, Y.: "Waterflood management using two-stage optimization with streamline simulation ," Computational Geosciences, published online Feb 25th, 2014. Thirawarapan, Chanya , Thiele, Marco R., Kovscek, Anthony , Batycky, Rod , and Torsten Clemens. "A Simplified Model for Field-Scale Surfactant-Polymer Flooding. " Paper presented at the SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2014. Kornberger, M. and Thiele, M.R.: "Experiences With an Efficient Rate-Management Approach for the 8th Tortonian Reservoir in the Vienna Basin ," SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp 165-176, May 2014. Choudhuri, Biswajit , Thakuria, Chandan , Belushi, Abdul Aziz, Nurzaman, Zamzam , Hashmi, Khalid , and Rod Batycky. "Optimization of a Large Polymer Flood Using Full-field Streamline Simulation. " Paper presented at the SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia, Muscat, Oman, March 2014. Koohmareh Hosseini, B., Chalaturnyk, RJ. 2014. "Streamline-based Reservoir Geomechanics Coupling Strategies for Full Field Simulations ," presented at 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery ECMOR XIV - , Catania, Italy. Fenwick, D., Scheidt, C. & Caers, "Quantifying Asymmetric Parameter Interactions in Sensitivity Analysis: Application to Reservoir Modeling ", J. Math Geosci (2014) 46: 493.
Jung,A., Fenwick, D.H., and Caers, J.: "Training image-based scenario modeling of fractured reservoirs for flow uncertainty quantification ," Computational Geosciences, September 2013. Kornberger, Martin , and Marco R. Thiele. "Experiences with an Efficient Rate Management Approach for the 8th Tortonian Reservoir in the Vienna Basin. " Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 2013. Chiotoroiu, M., Clemens, T., and Thiele, M.R. “Experiences with History Matching of a Complex Austrian Reservoir with 250 Wells and 62 Years of Production Using Global and Local Techniques,” paper presented at the 2013 ADIPEC, Technical Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 November 2013.
Wen,T., Thiele, M.R., Ciaurri, D.E, Aziz, K. and Ye, Y.: "Reservoir Management Using Two-Stage Optimization with Streamline Simulation " ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September, 2012.
Streamline Simulation , SPE Getting Up To Speed Series, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2011.Zhu,Z., Thiele, M.R., and Gerritsen, M.G.: "Thermal Streamline Simulation: Steam Floods ," SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, 21-23 February 2011, The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Clemens, T., Abdev, J., and Thiele, M.R.: "Improved Polymer-Flood Management Using Streamlines ," SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol 14, No 2, Apr 2011, pp. 171-181 Fenwick, D.H. and Batycky, R.P.,: "Using Metric Space Methods to Analyse Reservoir Uncertainty ", proceedings of the 2011 Gussow Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Thiele, M.R.., Batycky, R.P., and Fenwick, D.H.: "Streamline Simulation for Modern Reservoir-Engineering Workflows, " Journal Petroleum Technology, Vol 62, No 1, Jan 2010, pp. 64-70. Thiele, M.R.. R., Batycky, R.P.. P., Pöllitzer, S.. , and T.. Clemens. "Polymer-Flood Modeling Using Streamlines. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 13 (2010): 313–322. Pancharoen, M., Thiele, M. R., and A. R. Kovscek. "Inaccessible Pore Volume of Associative Polymer Floods. " Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, April 2010. Zhu, Z., Gerritsen, M.G., and Thiele, M.R.: “Thermal Streamline Simulation for Hot Waterflooding ,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, (June 2010) Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 372-382.
Beraldo, V.T., Blunt, M.J., and Schiozer, D.J.: "Compressible Streamline-Based Simulation With Changes in Oil Composition, " SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol 12, No 6, Dec 2009, pp. 963-973. Batycky, R. P., Förster, M., Thiele, M. R., and K. Stüben. "Parallelization of a Commercial Streamline Simulator and Performance on Practical Models. " Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, February 2009. Zhu, Z., Gerritsen, M. G., and M. R. Thiele. "Thermal Streamline Simulation for Hot Water Flooding. " Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, February 2009.
Thiele, M. R., Batycky, R. P., Pöllitzer, S., and T. Clemens. "Polymer Flood Modeling Using Streamlines—Part 1. " Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA, September 2008. Löf, Henrik, Gerritsen, Margot, and Marco Thiele. "Parallel Streamline Simulation. " Paper presented at the Europec/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, June 2008. Batycky, Rod P., Thiele, Marco R., Baker, Richard O., and Shelin H. Chugh. "Revisiting Reservoir Flood-Surveillance Methods Using Streamlines. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 11 (2008): 387–394.
Batycky, R. P., Seto, A. C., and D. H. Fenwick. "Assisted History Matching of a 1.4-Million-Cell Simulation Model for Judy Creek ‘A’ Pool Waterflood/HCMF Using a Streamline-Based Workflow. " Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, U.S.A., November 2007. Thiele, Marco R., and Rod P. Batycky. "Using Streamline-Derived Injection Efficiencies for Improved Waterflood Management. " SPE Res Eval & Eng 9 (2006): 187–196.
2005 & Earlier
Fenwick, D.H., Thiele, M.R., Ahmed Hussain, M.H., Humam, F., Caers, J. "Reconciling Prior Geologic Information with Production Data Using Streamlines: Application to a Giant Middle-Eastern Oil Field ," SPE 95940 in proceedings of the 2005 SPE annual technical conference and exhibition, Dallas, TX, 9-12 October, 2005. Thiele, M.R.: "Streamline Simulation ,"keynote address presented at the 2005 Forum on Reservoir Simulation, Stresa, Italy. McKishnie, R.A. et al.; "Streamline Technology for the Evaluation of Full Field Compositional Processes; Midale, A Case Study ," SPE89363 in proceedings of 2004 SPE/DOE 14th Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, 17-21 April. Thiele, M.R.: "Streamline Simulation ,"keynote address presented at the 2003 Forum on Reservoir Simulation, Baden-Baden, Germany. Thiele, M.R., Batycky, R.P., and Thomas, L.K.: "Miscible WAG Simulations Using Streamlines ," paper presented at the 8th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR), Freiberg, Germany, 3-6 September, 2002. Baker R.O., Kuppe, S., Chugh, S., Bora, R., Stojanovic, S., and Batycky, R.;"Full-Field Modeling Using Streamline-Based Simulation: Four Case Studies ", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, April 2002, Vol.5, No. 2. Thiele, M.R.: "Streamline Simulation ,"keynote address presented at the 2001 Forum on Reservoir Simulation, Schloss Fuschl, Austria. Samier, P, Quettier, L. and Thiele, M.R.: "Applications of Streamline Simulations to Reservoir Studies ", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, April 2002, Vol.5, No. 4, 324-332. Baker R.O: "Streamline Technology: Reservoir History Matching and Forecasting = Its Success, Limitations, and Future ," Distinguished Author Series, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, April 2001, Vol.40, No. 4, 23-27. Wang, Y., and Kovscek, A. R.; "A Streamline Approach for History Matching Production Data ," SPE 59370, in proceedings of the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, OK, 3-5 April 2000 Wang, Y., Kovscek, A. R. , and Brigham, W.E.; "Effect of Mobility Ratio on Pattern Behavior of a Homogeneous Porous Medium," In Situ (1999) 23, No. 1, 1-20. Crane, M.J. and Blunt, M.J.:"Streamline-based simulation of solute transport ," Water Resources Research (1999) 35(10) 3061-3078. Emanuel, A.S. and Milliken, W.J.:"History Matching Finite-Difference Models with 3D Streamlines," SPE 49000 presented at ATCE in New Orleans, LA, 27-30 September, 1998. Batycky, R.P., Thiele, M.R., and Blunt, M.J.; "A Streamline-Based Reservoir Simulation of the House Mountain Waterflood," Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting (SCRF) Annual Report, Stanford U., 1997. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Spath, J.; "Waterflood Infill Well Pattern Strategies for Horizontal and Multibranch Wells," SPE 35209, in proceedings of the 1996 SPE Permian Basin Oil Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas, 27-29 March. Thiele, M.R., Srinivas, E.R., and Blunt, M.J.; "Quantifying Uncertainty in Reservoir Performance Using Streamtubes ," Mathematical Geology (1996) 28, No. 7, 843.
Theory/Development of Streamline-Based Flow Simulation
Thiele, M.R, Batycky, P.R., Iding, M., and Blunt, M.J.: "Extension of Streamline-Based Dual Porosity Flow Simulation to Realistic Geology ," paper in proceedings of the 2004 ECMOR conference, Cannes, France, Aug.30-Sept.2, 2004. (PDF: 788 KB) DiDonato, G., Huang, W., and Blunt, M.; "Streamline-Based Dual Porosity Simulation of Fractured Reservoirs ," SPE84036, in proceedings of 2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Co, 5-8 October. Gautier, Y., Blunt, M.J., and Christie, M.A.:"Nested Gridding and Streamline-Based Simulation for Fast Reservoir Performance Prediction ," Computational Geosciences (1999) 295-320. Batycky,R.P., Blunt, M.J., and Thiele, M.R.; "A 3D Field-Scale Streamline Based Reservoir Simulator ," SPERE Nov. 1997, No. 4 (SPE36726-PA). Batycky, R.P.; "A Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Field Scale Streamline Simulator ," PhD Thesis, Stanford University (January 1997). Thiele, M.R., Batycky, R.P., and Blunt, M.J.; "A Streamline-Based 3D Field Scale Compositional Reservoir Simulator," SPE 38889, in proceedings of the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 5-8 October. Blunt, M.J., Liu, K., and Thiele, M.R.; "A Generalized Streamline Method to Predict Reservoir Flow ," Petroleum Geosciences (1996) 2, 259-269. Thiele, M.R., Batycky, R.P., Blunt, M.J., and Orr, F.M. Jr.; "Simulating Flow in Heterogeneous Media Using Streamtubes and Streamlines ," SPERE (February 1996) 5. Thiele, M.R..; "Modeling Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Media Using Streamtubes ," PhD Thesis, Stanford University (December 1994).