3DSL® is Streamsim's streamline-based reservoir flow simulator that offers a powerful solution to rapidly gain insight into how geology, fluid properties, and wells interact to affect recovery. 3DSL can be run from the command line or through Streamsim's powerful user interface, studioSL. Unlike more traditional simulation methods, streamlines allow to visualize and quantify the flow between injector/producers pairs, delineate drainage regions of each well, and offer unparalleled speed to investigate multiple production scenarios.
Brochure, Pricing
Support: Knowledge Base, Tutorials, Training,
Standard Features
Surveillance Features (included with 3DSL_base license)
Flow Simulation with Incompressibility Features (included with 3DSL_incomp license)
Flow Simulation with Compressibility Features (included with 3DSL_blackoil license)
Additional Optional Features
Corporate Headquarters
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
865 25th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Tel: (415) 386-0165
Canada Office
StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
Suite 102A - 625 14th Street N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A1
Tel: (403) 270-3945