studioSL 17.0-2024.1204

Well Data Import Tool

  • Fix support for "NAD27 / Texas North Central" (EPSG:32038) projection internally converting ft survey units in metres unit and then back to the desired output units chosen by the user. The original geographic coordinate reference system is assumed to be in "NAD27" (EPSG:4267).
Windows offline installation .zip |  Linux offline installation .zip |  Offline Updates


studioSL 17.0-2024.1122

Injection Efficiency Plot

  • Fix error appearing when opening an IE plot.

Well Data Import Tool

  • Improve warning messages in .3dslrec file and output window about include/exclude wells constraints.

Plot 2D

  • Fix bug with extra historical points appearing even when unselecting runs.

History Matching

  • Add workaround for bug present in Vavr library causing an exception.
Windows offline installation .zip |  Linux offline installation .zip |  Offline Updates
