- The CUTOFF optional keyword is allowed on the PERMX, PERMY, PERMZ keywords when reading these keywords as arrays.
- Aquifer locations read from a .INIT file are no longer overwritten if the BOUNDARIES Section is present. The aquifer locations will only be overwritten if a NAME= keyword appears in the BOUNDARIES Section.
- Read NNCHEAD from either the .INIT or .EGRID/.GRID files. And issue an error if the TRANNNC keyword is missing but NNCHEAD has been defined.
- Remove the ‘BACKFLOW’ warning when reading velocity fields from ECL/IX simulators to export streamlines.
- For PatMB calculations, remove the echo of material balance errors over a timestep and instead only echo the total material balance error at the end of each timestep. Also echo the number of bundles as, “PatMB:N=” at the end of each timestep.
Bug Fixes
- For SURVEILLANCE=ON, the pattern material balance solver would create a gas saturation on the grid if a well’s historical GOR dropped below RSAVG. Now wells are assumed to produce at least at RSAVG regardless of their historical GOR for this solver.
- Catch float overflow when TOFDEL keyword is present in the OUTPUT section and delta time-of-flights are greater than 1E38 days. This can happen for gridblocks will tiny permeabilities.
- Fixed a bug when computing the timestep size along a streamline for systems with gravity.
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