This is the first major release of 3DSL since v4.10 and contains numerous behavioral changes.еК 3DSL is now compiled with the latest Intel compiler 14.x and the SAMG (Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Systems) matrix solver has been upgraded to v27a1p6. Streamsim has also taken this opportunity to add new functionality to initialization, transmissibility calculations, tracing routines and parallel-compute regions of runtime code.еК
3DSL v2014 will not give the same results as 3DSL v4.10. еКTo partially revert to v4.10 behavior, set EQUILSAT=CRITICAL_V2013 and TRANCALC=V2013 if needed.еК Because the tracing routines have been improved with 3DSL now giving improved resolution of saturation maps you may further need to reduce NODESMAX from the default of 100 to a value of about 25 to approximate v4.10 results.
- For ease of version identification, the version number is now the date of the release using the format YYYY.MMDD.
It is possible to use capillary pressure to initialize a model and in the operator splitting step (see OSPLIT-keyword). Capillary pressures can be entered using the relative permeability keywords (see KRW, KRG, KRWO, and KRGO).
The new keyword PCAP in the RELPERMS-section can be used to ignore capillary pressure in all calculations even though capillary pressure data may have been entered as part of relative permeability data.
The new keyword OSPLIT controls the operator splitting step.
For CPG cells, the default calculation for transmissibilities is now like Eclipse.еК Use the keyword TRANCALC to control which calculation method to use.
EQUILSAT has been updated to provide for new initialization options.
OMPTHREADSAFE has been added to control the reproducibility of results.
Bug Fixes