3DSL v2014.0826 on 08/26/14


  1. If GRAVITY=OFF, force PCAP=OFF.
  2. When reading 3rd party velocity fields to extract streamlines and well allocation factors 3DSL will:
    1. еКRead the CONVTUB and CONNXT arrays in the .RFT file to compute each well layer's voidage rate. еКIf these keywords are missing, 3DSL will estimate the layer voidage rate from layer surface rate and PVT properties.
    2. Allow for two active well layers to be open in the same gridcell. еКThe allocation factor for these layers will be prorated based on each layer's rate.

Bug Fixes

  1. When reading a .EGRID or .FEGRID do not allow NNC's to be redefined within the main input .dat file. This was causing 3DSL to crash when reading a .UNRST file and a velocity field that did not have NNC's defined.
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