- All platforms (Windows, Linux, i86, x64) all based on the Intel 15.x compilers.
- New wells can now be added after TIME=0 keyword. еКAll wells for a simulation do not need to be defined in the WELLS list anymore.
- Only check if wells overlap or are missing path information between STARTSIMTIME and STOPSIMTIME.
- Speedup the search for well path intersection on CPG grids.
- Remove the warning that a well is backflowing if SURVEILLANCE=ON.
- Improved 1D-solver adaptive-implicit time stepping when AIMTOL>0 for incompressible runs.
- If a well is not written to the ECLIPSERFT= file but the well is open in the ECLIPSERST= file, 3DSL will estimate the well's rate from the velocity field.
Bug Fixes
- For dualphi models,
- Using a RESTART= was not properly initializing the fluids in-place.
- Redefining SIGMAV multiple times was overwriting previous values of SIGMAV for the entire grid.
- Skip timestep if SURVEILLANCE=ON but no wells or no boundaries have been defined in timestep.
- Check that ECLIPSEEGRID has been defined before ECLIPSEINIT keyword.
- Shut-in a well if switched to group control if the well has no path defined.
- Was not resetting volume error=0 after an IMPES step if 3DSL switches to a streamline transport step.
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