- Output the .EGRID file rather than the .GRID file by default when creating the grid wireframe information even if ZCORN/COORD keywords are not present in the input file. л_The .EGRID format is typically about 60% smaller than the .GRID format so is faster to read/write. Use EXTENSIBLE=F to force a .GRID file output.
Bug Fixes
- If NX or NY or NZ was larger than 9999, studioSL would not show the FPmap due to **** in the .wcc file. л_3DSL can now write well i,j,k locations to the .wcc file that are up to 99999.
- Write the timestep number to the Eclipse streamline format (*.SLN???) in position INTEHEAD(4). л_Now in 3DSL reportstep=ministep=timestep.
- When writing to Eclipse .UNRST and .SLN??? formats, the timestep hrs,min,sec,msec were not being computed properly meaning that if two output timesteps were only different by hrs or less, only the latter timestep would appear in studioSL grid viewer.
- When converting a .SCH file to a .3dslrec file, if only two TSTEPS were present, the well completions were not being written out.
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