3DSL v2016.0210 on 02/10/16


  1. Added the keyword option LASTSIMBHP to HISTPRD, HISTINJ, and HISTCTRL keywords to switch wells from a rate control, to their last value of simulated flowing bottom-hole-pressure. This is useful when forecasting well rates forward at fix BHP_Сйs.
  2. 3DSL will no longer support reading *.rst files created by a version of 3DSL dated earlier than V2014.

Bug Fixes

  1. For keyword PLYROCK, irreversible adsorption option was not working when running on more than 1 compute thread.
  2. The .SLN files had the value of TIME related to the start of the timestep, rather than the end of the timestep, written in the header file. л_This caused the streamline map to be associated with the previous timestep, when viewed in studioSL.
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