3DSL v2018.0319 on 03/19/18


  1. Read relperm scaling keywords (SWCR, SWL,... KRG, KRO, KRW) if present in the .INIT file.  Echo the corresponding average scaling values (SWCRAVG, SWLAVG,... KRGMAX, KROMAX, KRWMAX) to the output .INIT file.
  2. Allow to read a range of SATNUMs following relperm keywords (eg. KRWO 1-10).
  3. CHECKISO keyword now ignored. Default is always CHECKISO=ON.
  4. Added check when reading a .INIT file and a gridcell has PORV>0, is active, but has NTG=0. For these cells, reset NTG=1.
  5. When active matrix but inactive fracture dual porosity gridcells are found, reset to single porosity, rather than issue an error.
  6. Pattern material balance calculator when SURVEILLANCE=ON now applied to dual porosity models.  See keyword PATMBSKIPSOR to control residual oil saturation.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix in gravity solver when all 3 phase densities were equal.
  2. Fix when converting .SCH file to a .3DSLREC file with the -ecldtmin setting.
  3. Matrix cells of a dual porosity model were being initialized to residual oil saturation if their EQUILNUM and SATNUM combination were not found in single porosity regions. These matrix cells are now initialized to the correct residual water saturation.
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