3DSL v2018.0901 on 09/01/18

Bug Fixes

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON models, the efflux fluid rates and cumulative volumes being reported were incorrect. The internal material balance was correct.
  2. The keyword MULTPV inside of a .INIT file was not being applied to the final porevolume of each gridblock.


  1. It is now possible to control the prefix/suffix used for the name given to injectors of converted producers generated when translating an Eclipse schedule file (-eclschedule) by using the command-line options –injprefix and/or –injsuffix.
  2. The keyword ECLSCHEDULE and ECLUNITS in the RECURRENT section are no longer supported.
  3. Support Eclipse schedule files with I, J, K well paths larger than gridblock indices of 999.
  4. Read Eclipse or IX .RFT files that have ‘C0nn’ type words.
  5. Streamlines can be extracted from Eclipse dual porosity velocity fields.
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