Bug Fixes
- For SURVEILLANCE=ON models, the efflux fluid rates and cumulative volumes being reported were incorrect. The internal material balance was correct.
- The keyword MULTPV inside of a .INIT file was not being applied to the final porevolume of each gridblock.
- It is now possible to control the prefix/suffix used for the name given to injectors of converted producers generated when translating an Eclipse schedule file (-eclschedule) by using the command-line options –injprefix and/or –injsuffix.
- The keyword ECLSCHEDULE and ECLUNITS in the RECURRENT section are no longer supported.
- Support Eclipse schedule files with I, J, K well paths larger than gridblock indices of 999.
- Read Eclipse or IX .RFT files that have ‘C0nn’ type words.
- Streamlines can be extracted from Eclipse dual porosity velocity fields.
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