3DSL v2020.1125 on 11/25/20

Bug Fixes

  1. 3DSL sometimes crashed if a later timestep contained no open wells, opened boundaries, and incompressible PVT, where the pressure solution had no pressure gradients.
  2. HISTGAS rates for a well were not echoed for timesteps where the well had no HISTOIL or HISTWAT defined and HISTFREEGAS=OFF.
  3. ‘NAMES’ vector was not written to the .SMSPEC file if all wells names were 8-char or less but well group names were more than 8-chars.


  1. A new HDF5 formatted binary file called *.vectors.h5.  
    1. All well and field data is in a compact format for efficient loading and visualization in studioSL.
    2. Added option H5=ON/OFF to 3DSLFMT and ECLIPSEFMT keywords.
    3. This file is always generated by default.
  2. Eclipse h5 formatted binary file, *.h5, is off by default.
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