3DSL v2023.1212


  1. Use keyword PAVE in TUNING3D to output average reservoir pressure as either hydrocarbon volume weighted (default) or porevolume weighted.
  2. When reading COORD/ZCORN keywords from ASCII input file, compute the CPG cell volumes using the E100 method.
  3. For compressible SURVEILLANCE=ON runs, well phase porevolumes are now written out assuming no volume error such that sum of the phase volumes add to the total volume for each well region.
  4. When exporting streamlines from 3rd party simulators, now include the porevolume associated with backflow streamlines to the backflowing well.

Bug Fixes

  1. For flow simulation runs with open boundaries that are effluxing, their production compositions were not updated properly during IMPES timestepping.
  2. For the per-pattern allocated cumulative gas volumes that are injected (or produced) to offset producers (or injectors), the values were being output in m3 rather than E3m3 for UNITS=METRIC runs.
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