- Use keyword PAVE in TUNING3D to output average reservoir pressure as either hydrocarbon volume weighted (default) or porevolume weighted.
- When reading COORD/ZCORN keywords from ASCII input file, compute the CPG cell volumes using the E100 method.
- For compressible SURVEILLANCE=ON runs, well phase porevolumes are now written out assuming no volume error such that sum of the phase volumes add to the total volume for each well region.
- When exporting streamlines from 3rd party simulators, now include the porevolume associated with backflow streamlines to the backflowing well.
Bug Fixes
- For flow simulation runs with open boundaries that are effluxing, their production compositions were not updated properly during IMPES timestepping.
- For the per-pattern allocated cumulative gas volumes that are injected (or produced) to offset producers (or injectors), the values were being output in m3 rather than E3m3 for UNITS=METRIC runs.
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