- Introduction of keyword WIMULT as an alternative to keyword COMP in RECURRENT section. Value now multiplies entered WI or KH or default calculation of well productivity index.
- Introduction of keyword TMULT when defining open BOUNDARIES, in order to multiply the transmissibility connection factor between the boundary source and the gridblock that the boundary is located in.
- Parsing of Eclipse schedule file now supports translation of Eclipse WPIMULT keyword to WIMULT.
- The masses of oil, water, and gas in-place for FIPNUM regions are written out to the Eclipse summary and 3DSL .h5 files for 2D plotting.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes to the algorithm for well completions defined with X, Y, Z to determine their intersection on gridblocks for CPG grids.
- Well completions did not always intersect a gridblocks on CPG grids for very thin (less than 0.1m) grid cells.
- For well completions exactly on a gridblock face, they were not always assigned to the gridblock as an open completion.
- For MODEL=FCM, PVTDEADOIL, PVTDEADOILC, and RSAVG not equal to 0.0, the surface oil and gas rates were not being calculated correctly.
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