3DSL v2024.0325


  1. Introduction of keyword WIMULT as an alternative to keyword COMP in RECURRENT section. Value now multiplies entered WI or KH or default calculation of well productivity index.
  2. Introduction of keyword TMULT when defining open BOUNDARIES, in order to multiply the transmissibility connection factor between the boundary source and the gridblock that the boundary is located in.  
  3. Parsing of Eclipse schedule file now supports translation of Eclipse WPIMULT keyword to WIMULT.
  4. The masses of oil, water, and gas in-place for FIPNUM regions are written out to the Eclipse summary and 3DSL .h5 files for 2D plotting.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixes to the algorithm for well completions defined with X, Y, Z to determine their intersection on gridblocks for CPG grids.
    1. Well completions did not always intersect a gridblocks on CPG grids for very thin (less than 0.1m) grid cells.
    2. For well completions exactly on a gridblock face, they were not always assigned to the gridblock as an open completion.
  2. For MODEL=FCM, PVTDEADOIL, PVTDEADOILC, and RSAVG not equal to 0.0, the surface oil and gas rates were not being calculated correctly.
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