- Added HISTCTRL=LASTVOI, LASTLIQ toеКswitch a well to a reasonable forecast control mode.еК This also removes the historical rate information echoed to studioSL Plot2D.
- The HISTPRD, HISTINJ, and HISTFREEGAS keywords can now appear multiple times within the RECURRENT section.
- Added keyword UPTIME to multiply the rates of well supplied via HIST or RAT keywords to determine the actual well rate. This is an easy way to prorate historical rates by a multiple.
- Use the well layer flowing phases to estimate the well mobilities in the constraint equations.еК This improves well rates for wells on a phase control, but also causes some minor differences between this version of 3DSL and older versions for well on a total rate control.
- Error check added if any compressible PVT used, ALL phases much have compressible PVT.еК
- Improve the error check on PVTLIVEOIL to check that all columns have the correct slope.
- Only inj_2_prd type streamlines are now written to the .sl2 file.еК
- MB error calculation reset to 0.0 for SURVEILLANCE=ON.еК
Bug Fixes.
- HISTCTRL setting for a well was not being remembered for future timesteps.еК Well was then switching back to default HISTCTRL=LIQ or VOI setting.
- Bug related to muliple rock regions and the KRGO KRWO keywords.еК Residual saturation not always computed correctly.
- Tracing bug related to circulation cell streamlines fixed.
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