3DSL v4.10 on 07/23/11


  1. One block per record read/write to the Eclipse output formats. Set ONEBLKRECORD=F on the ECLIPSEFMT= line to follow the original Eclipse standard.
  2. Support reading analytical and numerical aquifers in a .UNRST file.
  3. Approximate well layer rates when exporting streamlines, if the .RFT file is missing.
  4. Extended SALTNODE, PLYVISC, PLYVISCS tables to 10x max of their original concentrations.

Bug Fixes.

  1. Fixed license error messages when reading .UNRST file but fluxes are missing.
  2. When reading the .UNRST file some injectors were identified as mixed wells (injector or producer) but they were injectors for the whole simulation.
  3. The -- was being treated as a comment when inside the TITLE= line
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