3DSL v4.10 on 12/17/12


  1. Delete all possible output files related to the current .dat run, just prior to writing the new set of output files for the current run.еК This ensures that all .* files created by 3DSL are current.
  2. Added keyword WELLSNOBLKS to force 3DSL to skip wells that do not intersect active blocks and have production constraints defined.
  3. Chemical injectors now remember the last chemical concentration defined and apply this value to successive timesteps until the chemical concentration is redefined.

Bug Fixes

  1. If CHNAME was missing from PLYSHEAR all PLY* keywords were being ignored.
  2. Now only the rootname of the restart file, if it exists, is written to the .SMSPEC file.еК Previously the full path was written.еК However for path locations greater than 72chars, studioSL could not properly plot the base run and the restarted run as it could not find the restart file base case.еК Now studioSLеКplots correctlyеКbut the assumption is that the base run is in the same folder as the restarted run.


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