- Added the gridblock delta time-of-flight (TOFDEL) as a grid OUTPUT property for 3D visualization.
- Added STARTDAYS and ENDDAYS to the ECLIPSERST keyword, to set the range of timesteps that 3DSL will use when extracting streamlines.
- Added ECLIPSERST and STARTDAYS to the INITIALCOND section, to allow setting pressure and saturations from an Eclipse .UNRST file.
Bug Fixes.
- When reading a .INIT file that contains aquifers, 3DSL was crashing if SURVEILLANCE=OFF. ECL aquifers are now treated like 3DSL's boundaries and assume to be constant pressure.
- When reading a .INIT file that contains aquifers and BOUNDARIES are redefined, 3DSL will ignore the ECL aquifer definitions and replace with those defined in the BOUNDARIES section.
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