- Updated to executables and manual to version 2023.0715.
3D Viewer
- Fixed export of properties associated with dual porosity models. Now it is possible to select matrix or fracture properties or both.
- Fixed bug when exporting well completion information using IJK indexes.
- Fixed refresh of well labels positions when toggling between heel and toe view.
- Fixed bubbles plot when only well paths are loaded.
- Added "Color Settings" tab for wells in 3D view allowing more control on how to color wells.
- When coloring by Well Group, wells contained in more than one group are colored in black by default.
- When coloring by Well Group, wells not in the current well group selection are colored in dark gray by default.
- Closed wells are now displayed using a hollow symbol (previously displayed using full symbol in gray).
- Added control to override closed wells color (default is light gray).
- Synchonizing coloring of well labels with coloring of wells.
- Added control to override well labels color.
- Changed some colors in the first part of the color palette used for wells, well groups, regions, etc.
IE Plot
- Fixed export image wrongly saving only part of the chart.
Grid Builder
- Fixed calculations of per-layer DZNET and POROxDZ grid properties.
- Improved errors in Grid Builder interface.
- Each section has its own error message.
- When previewing or generating output files, a popup with a summary of errors will be shown.
Well Data Import Tool
- Fixed bug with events right after the end of the path wrongly warning the user the event is outside of the path.
- Improved excluded wells list: now end-of-line is always a delimiter.
- In Forecast Parameterizations now you can only define discrete parameters.
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