History Matching:
- Automatic Smart Paint (AutoSP) mode has been added to the HM project workflow.
- Added Table to review C* calculations.
- Multiple charts in one window, including a new Delta Rate Chart on rate comparison plot.
- New floodOPT executable version 2014.0904.
- Multiple field targets can be set.
- Now possible to edit the template used for creation of forecast simulation with Eclipse or Psim.
Running 3DSL:
- New 3DSL version 2014.0826.
- A reporting popup if 3DSL fails during a run.
Update Center:
- This release log pop when "Check for Updates" is selected
3D Viewer:
- Fixed bug on min/max color scale for fracture properties in dual porosity decks.
- Now allowed visualizing the fracture if all inactive matrix grid blocks.
License Manager:
- select 'See license by user' under the Help menu to see who is using a licenseеК
- turned off the broadcast request to improve license checkout time
Other Fixes:
- Search well names feature added to the bottom of all well lists in 3D Viewer, Inj Efficiency plot, and Plot HM Errors. еКLook for the magnifying glass.
- Improved error messages when importing files in WDIT.еК
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