studioSL v2014.0911 on 09/11/14

History Matching:

  1. Automatic Smart Paint (AutoSP) mode has been added to the HM project workflow.
  2. Added Table to review C* calculations.


  1. Multiple charts in one window, including a new Delta Rate Chart on rate comparison plot.
  2. New floodOPT executable version 2014.0904.
  3. Multiple field targets can be set.
  4. Now possible to edit the template used for creation of forecast simulation with Eclipse or Psim.

Running 3DSL:

  1. New 3DSL version 2014.0826.
  2. A reporting popup if 3DSL fails during a run.

Update Center:

  1. This release log pop when "Check for Updates" is selected

3D Viewer:

  1. Fixed bug on min/max color scale for fracture properties in dual porosity decks.
  2. Now allowed visualizing the fracture if all inactive matrix grid blocks.

License Manager:

  1. select 'See license by user' under the Help menu to see who is using a licenseеК
  2. turned off the broadcast request to improve license checkout time

Other Fixes:

  1. Search well names feature added to the bottom of all well lists in 3D Viewer, Inj Efficiency plot, and Plot HM Errors. еКLook for the magnifying glass.
  2. Improved error messages when importing files in WDIT.еК
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