studioSL v2014.1112 on 11/12/14

General fixes and improvements:

  1. Open ProjectеКaction now allows to open a simulation folder or simulation files directly. еК
  2. TheеКZip SimulationеКaction is now calledеКExport SimulationеКand allows to copy, rename, or upload an existing simulation.
  3. InеКView 3DеКwell heads can be customize in size by selecting the Thickness spinner in the Labels Settings of the well tab.


  1. Set a target rate for the selected group of wells or the field. еКSee the Selected Wells TargetsеКoption in the floodOPT configuration panel.
  2. Select theеКDisplay RatesеКoption to switch betweenеКproposed rates and rates from the simulator when plotting rates.
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