- Parameter aggregator and runs selector tools for "Parameter Reduction" and "Keep Diversity" strategies on simulations.
- A new Objective Function plot for Differential Evolution (DE) optimizer diagnostic with automatic refresh on created runs.
- DE is now able to restart with several strategies: restarting from best runs or continuing with last generation status.
History Matching
- Ability to create a single History Matching project from multiple simulations: each workflow will history match each simulation.
- Import the HM configuration of an HM workflow into another HM workflow.
- New Objective Function plot for HM diagnostic with automatic refresh on created runs.
Forecast Scenarios
- Now it is possible to create forecast scenarios for multiple simulations.
- Available scenarios are: No-Further-Action (NFA) scenario and a scenario using a custom recurrent/schedule file.
- new plot with better separation between target rates proposed by floodOPT and used in simulatedл_rates in theл_forecastл_
Plot 2D
- New algorithm to print well labels in the plots in order to have them not overlapping each other.
Probabilistic Representation
- Available in the 2D response plot for each set of simulations selected when opening the plot.
- Likelihood using Objective Function from the simulation group.
3D Viewerл_
- Ability to overlay map annotations using different formats (maps from, ESRI Shapefiles, AutoCAD DXF files).
Performance Improvements
- Improved file search for local and remote disks under Windows.
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