studioSL v2015.0911 on 09/11/15


  1. Parameter aggregator and runs selector tools for "Parameter Reduction" and "Keep Diversity" strategies on simulations.
  2. A new Objective Function plot for Differential Evolution (DE) optimizer diagnostic with automatic refresh on created runs.
  3. DE is now able to restart with several strategies: restarting from best runs or continuing with last generation status.

History Matching

  1. Ability to create a single History Matching project from multiple simulations: each workflow will history match each simulation.
  2. Import the HM configuration of an HM workflow into another HM workflow.
  3. New Objective Function plot for HM diagnostic with automatic refresh on created runs.

Forecast Scenarios

  1. Now it is possible to create forecast scenarios for multiple simulations.
  2. Available scenarios are: No-Further-Action (NFA) scenario and a scenario using a custom recurrent/schedule file.


  1. new plot with better separation between target rates proposed by floodOPT and used in simulatedл_rates in theл_forecastл_

Plot 2D

  1. New algorithm to print well labels in the plots in order to have them not overlapping each other.

Probabilistic Representation

  1. Available in the 2D response plot for each set of simulations selected when opening the plot.
  2. Likelihood using Objective Function from the simulation group.

3D Viewerл_

  1. Ability to overlay map annotations using different formats (maps from, ESRI Shapefiles, AutoCAD DXF files).

Performance Improvements

  1. Improved file search for local and remote disks under Windows.
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