Grid Builder
- POROSITY values supplied as 2D maps or constant properties were being ignored when computing the porevolumes for gridcells.
floodOPT (updated to 2016.0209)
- Average IE setting can now be set to All Producers, Selected I-P pairs, a Custom Value, or an Economic Watercut.
- Bug fix when plotting the weight function.
- Better handling for cases where min/max well constraints are set.
3DSL (updated to 2016.0210)
- See 3DSL's release log for the above date.л_л_
Well Data Import Tool
- Added a Petrel tab to import .dev, .ev, .vol files that were exported from Petrel.
Injection Efficiency Plot
- Selected well groups can now be applied to the visible list of wells when viewing per-parent plots.
History Matching
- Minor fixes and improved error report
- Fixed cf.csv file visualization (the file lock was not released)
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