studioSL v2016.0217 on 02/17/16

Grid Builder

  1. POROSITY values supplied as 2D maps or constant properties were being ignored when computing the porevolumes for gridcells.

floodOPT (updated to 2016.0209)

  1. Average IE setting can now be set to All Producers, Selected I-P pairs, a Custom Value, or an Economic Watercut.
  2. Bug fix when plotting the weight function.
  3. Better handling for cases where min/max well constraints are set.

3DSL (updated to 2016.0210)

  1. See 3DSL's release log for the above date.л_л_

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Added a Petrel tab to import .dev, .ev, .vol files that were exported from Petrel.

Injection Efficiency Plot

  1. Selected well groups can now be applied to the visible list of wells when viewing per-parent plots.

History Matching

  1. Minor fixes and improved error report
  2. Fixed cf.csv file visualization (the file lock was not released)
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