studioSL v2016.0331 on 03/31/16

General studioSL

  1. NOTE: If you see this popup from studioSL pre 2016.0331, you must download the studioSL 2016 zip file from first to access these updates. л_They are all included in the 2016.0331 download.л_
  2. Based on Java 8 and NetBeans 8.1 platform.
  3. New installer: now there is no need to have a Java Virtual Machine installed.
  4. Added support for CMG IMEX help manual (manual not included).

Surveillance Project

  1. Simulation Folder projects can now be converted to Surveillance Projects.
  2. Surveillance projects can now be created from existing folders.

multiRUNS & dGSA

  1. Samplings and optimizations now have explicit random seed settings.
  2. Added parameter annotations in editor to all template file types supported in multiRUNS.
  3. multiRUNS now fully support multiple levels of parameterizable include files (for INTERSECT simulator .afi and .ixf files).
  4. Added Refresh Runs State action to parameterization and sampling nodes.
  5. Modified dGSA algorithm when history is included. Assigned history to the cluster with the closest medoid to history rather than include history in the clustering algorithm.л_

History Matching Project

  1. The grid properties include files (for PERMX, PERMY, PERMZ, PORO, etc.) are now appendedл_at the end of the GRID section overriding everything that is in the GRID section.
  2. In Automatic Smart Paint support for choosing the OF used for creating the time intervals. Also showing the time interval OFs.
  3. Removed internal Python scripting..
  4. Improved C* calculations:
    1. Adjust reference time to when well first opens.
    2. Option to apply root N to C*, where N is the number of properties.
    3. Option to apply the C* to the logarithm of the permeability.
    4. Changed C* averaging algorithm.
    5. Added new RateSum option
  5. Option to chose wells manually for history matching using OF information.

floodOPT Project

  1. Better handling of case where min/max well constraints are set.
  2. Fixed output to .eco file associated with wells set on min/max constraints.
  3. Better output of weighting function for plotting purposes.
  4. Fixed output to the "Total Field Inj Gas Rate Before FWTARGET (I-P only):" field in the .eco file.
  5. Improved control of average efficiency used in the weighting function. Now four options available.
  6. Support for copying floodOPT configuration settings between workflows.
  7. Support for different simulation base cases in different workflows: useful for applying floodOPT on multiple HM-ed simulations in the same project.
  8. When forecasting with Eclipse, ensure that RPTRST keyword is included to output needed files.
  9. When forecasting with fractional days, hours of the day are visualized too.

Objective Function

  1. Now OF does not fail anymore on missing data.
  2. Added option to assume observed data to be zero when missing (also in Distance Calculation).


  1. Distance nodes now have the same look & feel across studioSL.

Well Groups creation panel

  1. Improved UI: support for creating multiple well groups.
  2. You can import well groups from OFM.

ECLIPSE support

  1. Added support for PETGRID include keyword.


  1. Added support for INTERSECT simulations: launch, plot, 3D viewer and multiRUNS project.

Deck Builder

  1. When importing files with Grid Builder you can now choose between relative/absolute paths.
  2. Updated Corey relative permeability calculations.

Plot 2D

  1. Injection losses in 2D pattern plot:л_added Supported and Unsupported flags.
  2. Improved hiding historical data on forecast: now forecast runs created inside studioSL are properly recognized.
  3. Improved zoom in sequence plot. Also applying zoom in multiple charts at once.
  4. Improved multi chart in sequence plot (added multichart by run/set of runs) and now allowing for more than 2 columns layout.
  5. Added legend font size customizer.

Probabilistic Representation 2D

  1. Fixed calculations, now dividing the CDF space in N+1 parts allowing for extrapolation.
  2. Better colors of areas and lines.
  3. When using Likelihood, added minimum and maximum percentiles controls associated with all the timesteps.


  1. Added Configure Economicsл_panel to Simulation Groups. Used for forecasting and NPV calculations.
  2. Improved plotting for multiple NPV and multiple forecasts scenarios..
  3. Added gas production cost in the NPV definition panel.
  4. Added Economic support in IE plot.

3D Viewer

  1. Better initial bubbles sizes.
  2. Improved internal 3D viewer threading model: no more random hanging.
  3. Customizable initial Z scaling factor.


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