studioSL v2017.0519 on 05/19/17

Updated libraries:

  1. JACOB library v1.18
  2. Jython library v2.7.0
  3. RLM (Reprise License Manager) library v12.22

Updated executables:

  1. floodOPT v2017.0501
  2. 3DSL v2017.0501

Plot 2D:

  1. New toolpanel and naming for chemical/tracer and observed data.
  2. Probabilistic representation in Plot2D is now using most commons timesteps instead of regular timestepping (smoother lines).

3D Viewer:

  1. History Matching Error (HME) maps.
  3. Use multiple 3D properties to create a display mask to filter and hide grid blocks.
  4. Custom grid properties (Tools-->Options-->Custom Grid Properties) maps using Excel-like formulas, By default RFIPOIL, RFIPGAS, RFIPWAT, RFIPMOIW, RFIPMOIG are pre-defined.
  5. Associate SOWCR/SOGCR for each SATNUM region explicitly for use in 3D maps ("Associate Run(s) With..." action on .dat or group node).
  6. Now PRESSURE is always in kPa, also for ECL/IX simulations, when using SI units.
  7. 3D Probabilistic representation available from every node representing a group of runs.
  8. In compare mode it is now possible to hide 1 or 0 values respectively when dividing or subtracting two grid properties.

3D Flux Pattern Map for tracers data:

  1. Ability to associate one or more .obs files to simulations. ("Associate Run(s) With...-->Observed Data" action on .dat or group node).
  2. Historical tracers data imported from .obs files (mass rate, cumulative and concentrations) now plotted in 2D plots.
  3. Ability to show allocation factors calculated from historical tracer data (.obs files) on flux pattern map.

Export Grid Property to File:

  1. Export as .inc or .GSG (new Petrel and INTERSECT format) file.
  2. Output to .propinc file: a new text file format that can store also dynamic grid properties.

History Matching Project with SmartPaint:

  1. Fixed bug when studioSL puts a STOP keyword in ECLIPSE schedule files in Auto Smart Paint: when a time interval end is on a timestep that is not in the .SCH file, a DATE keyword is explicitly set where to stop.

History Matching Project with SLRegion: 

  1. new gradient-based well-calibration algorithm based on regions defined by streamlines.

floodOPT Project:

  1. New rates plot for multiple workflows when forecasting multiple base cases with floodOPT.
  2. In forecast groups added floodOPT scenarios.
  3. Ability to set the average efficiency independently on the target strategy.

multiRUNS Project:

  1. Added Velocimacro for SWOF/SGOF that allows to use multiple relative permeability tables.
  2. Multiple clusterizations are now possible from the same distance matrix.
  3. Davies-Bouldin index (DB-Index) displayed with each clusterizations.

Forecast Groups:

  1. Added collectors nodes to group different forecast scenarios.
  2. Added action to import base runs parameters.
  3. Added action to create forecast scenarios from external runs.
  4. Added action to create custom forecast scenarios from a list of includes.

Well Groups:

  1. Improved support for well groups: now it is possible to edit, remove and add wells.

Well Data Import Tool:

  1. Change of name .3dslrec file name depending on chosen timestepping.
  2. Notify the user when a change in settings has been done and .3dslrec file needs to be recreated.
  3. Better message when original time ranges contain both production and injection data.

Deck Builder:

  1. Translate AQUCON/AQUANCON information from Eclipse to use in the BOUNDARIES section in 3DSL.

Improved INTERSECT support:

  1. Using external .EGRID/.GRID file without copying it in each simulation folder.

Improved studioSL installer:

  1. Restore settings of executables from previous installations.

New improved error reporting:

  1. Now it is possible to directly send the file or the whole simulation that caused an error.

studioSL Settings:

  1. Added help pages for some entries under Tools-->Options-->Settings (select variable to activate help icon) 


  1. POWERS renamed to GIGAPOWERS.
  2. GIGAPOWERS support was improved in recognizing/converting include paths.

Other internal fixes and changes:

  • Fixed potential issues found by FindBugs (static code analysis tool).
  • New Tool Panel architecture: simplified and more responsive.
  • Fixed interpolation code when converting .obs data in simulation timestepping.
  • Bug fixing in Apache Velocity support.
  • Bug fixing in navigation to ECLIPSE PDF manual.
  • Licensing: better email when requesting a license.
  • Delayed loading of data in simulation node hierarchy.
  • Objective function:
    • No .obs data days support anymore.
    • Now OF for all wells is calculated.
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