Updated libraries:
- JACOB library v1.18
- Jython library v2.7.0
- RLM (Reprise License Manager) library v12.22
Updated executables:
- floodOPT v2017.0501
- 3DSL v2017.0501
Plot 2D:
- New toolpanel and naming for chemical/tracer and observed data.
- Probabilistic representation in Plot2D is now using most commons timesteps instead of regular timestepping (smoother lines).
3D Viewer:
- History Matching Error (HME) maps.
- Use multiple 3D properties to create a display mask to filter and hide grid blocks.
- Custom grid properties (Tools-->Options-->Custom Grid Properties) maps using Excel-like formulas, By default RFIPOIL, RFIPGAS, RFIPWAT, RFIPMOIW, RFIPMOIG are pre-defined.
- Associate SOWCR/SOGCR for each SATNUM region explicitly for use in 3D maps ("Associate Run(s) With..." action on .dat or group node).
- Now PRESSURE is always in kPa, also for ECL/IX simulations, when using SI units.
- 3D Probabilistic representation available from every node representing a group of runs.
- In compare mode it is now possible to hide 1 or 0 values respectively when dividing or subtracting two grid properties.
3D Flux Pattern Map for tracers data:
- Ability to associate one or more .obs files to simulations. ("Associate Run(s) With...-->Observed Data" action on .dat or group node).
- Historical tracers data imported from .obs files (mass rate, cumulative and concentrations) now plotted in 2D plots.
- Ability to show allocation factors calculated from historical tracer data (.obs files) on flux pattern map.
Export Grid Property to File:
- Export as .inc or .GSG (new Petrel and INTERSECT format) file.
- Output to .propinc file: a new text file format that can store also dynamic grid properties.
History Matching Project with SmartPaint:
- Fixed bug when studioSL puts a STOP keyword in ECLIPSE schedule files in Auto Smart Paint: when a time interval end is on a timestep that is not in the .SCH file, a DATE keyword is explicitly set where to stop.
History Matching Project with SLRegion:
- new gradient-based well-calibration algorithm based on regions defined by streamlines.
floodOPT Project:
- New rates plot for multiple workflows when forecasting multiple base cases with floodOPT.
- In forecast groups added floodOPT scenarios.
- Ability to set the average efficiency independently on the target strategy.
multiRUNS Project:
- Added Velocimacro for SWOF/SGOF that allows to use multiple relative permeability tables.
- Multiple clusterizations are now possible from the same distance matrix.
- Davies-Bouldin index (DB-Index) displayed with each clusterizations.
Forecast Groups:
- Added collectors nodes to group different forecast scenarios.
- Added action to import base runs parameters.
- Added action to create forecast scenarios from external runs.
- Added action to create custom forecast scenarios from a list of includes.
Well Groups:
- Improved support for well groups: now it is possible to edit, remove and add wells.
Well Data Import Tool:
- Change of name .3dslrec file name depending on chosen timestepping.
- Notify the user when a change in settings has been done and .3dslrec file needs to be recreated.
- Better message when original time ranges contain both production and injection data.
Deck Builder:
- Translate AQUCON/AQUANCON information from Eclipse to use in the BOUNDARIES section in 3DSL.
Improved INTERSECT support:
- Using external .EGRID/.GRID file without copying it in each simulation folder.
Improved studioSL installer:
- Restore settings of executables from previous installations.
New improved error reporting:
- Now it is possible to directly send the file or the whole simulation that caused an error.
studioSL Settings:
- Added help pages for some entries under Tools-->Options-->Settings (select variable to activate help icon)
- GIGAPOWERS support was improved in recognizing/converting include paths.
Other internal fixes and changes:
- Fixed potential issues found by FindBugs (static code analysis tool).
- New Tool Panel architecture: simplified and more responsive.
- Fixed interpolation code when converting .obs data in simulation timestepping.
- Bug fixing in Apache Velocity support.
- Bug fixing in navigation to ECLIPSE PDF manual.
- Licensing: better email when requesting a license.
- Delayed loading of data in simulation node hierarchy.
- Objective function:
- No .obs data days support anymore.
- Now OF for all wells is calculated.
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