studioSL v2017.0620 on 06/20/17


  1. Better message in case of out-of-memory error loading a very big file in the text editor.

IE Plot:

  1. When in Rates-mode now able to plot ROIP as a with injection/production volumes.
  2. When in Volumes-mode now able to normalize pattern recovery curves by average pore volume and average oil in place.


  1. When using Cluster Metric Space from a distance node, the seed is now defaulted to be 1234567. To change the seed, expand Advanced Settings in the pop-up and uncheck Use Default for the seed entry.

Differential Evolution

  1. Fixed bug in number of candidates and automatically evolved runs.
  2. DE now restarts by default from the last ending population.
  3. Improve Surviving/Not Evolved logic in DE
  4. Added checks on initials runs when the user restarts the algorithm.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Better message when the geoSCOUT event file is not correct.
  2. Added support for Longitude/Latitude on geoSCOUT files.
  3. Support for NAD83 and WGS84 geographics and projected coordinate reference systems for OFM, geoSCOUT, CSV, AccuMap file formats.


  1. Improvements in help pages content.
  2. Open PDF viewer on links that point to 3DSL PDF manual for input file keywords.
  3. Help now also available under Options → Settings nodes.

3D Viewer

  1. FPMaps + OBS view template now shows all open wells too.
  2. Added ability to hide Inactive cells in 3D column picking.
  3. Fixed bug in Grid Builder when showing grid preview.


  1. Fixed possible NaN output in SLRegion.


  1. Fixed bug caused by migration from old to new ToolPanel architecture.


  1. Fixed bug in floodOPT when defining forecast period.


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