- Better message in case of out-of-memory error loading a very big file in the text editor.
IE Plot:
- When in Rates-mode now able to plot ROIP as a with injection/production volumes.
- When in Volumes-mode now able to normalize pattern recovery curves by average pore volume and average oil in place.
- When using Cluster Metric Space from a distance node, the seed is now defaulted to be 1234567. To change the seed, expand Advanced Settings in the pop-up and uncheck Use Default for the seed entry.
Differential Evolution
- Fixed bug in number of candidates and automatically evolved runs.
- DE now restarts by default from the last ending population.
- Improve Surviving/Not Evolved logic in DE
- Added checks on initials runs when the user restarts the algorithm.
Well Data Import Tool
- Better message when the geoSCOUT event file is not correct.
- Added support for Longitude/Latitude on geoSCOUT files.
- Support for NAD83 and WGS84 geographics and projected coordinate reference systems for OFM, geoSCOUT, CSV, AccuMap file formats.
- Improvements in help pages content.
- Open PDF viewer on links that point to 3DSL PDF manual for input file keywords.
- Help now also available under Options → Settings nodes.
3D Viewer
- FPMaps + OBS view template now shows all open wells too.
- Added ability to hide Inactive cells in 3D column picking.
- Fixed bug in Grid Builder when showing grid preview.
- Fixed possible NaN output in SLRegion.
- Fixed bug caused by migration from old to new ToolPanel architecture.
- Fixed bug in floodOPT when defining forecast period.
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