- Improved confirmation messages when deleting files, folders and simulation nodes.
- Improved "Forecast All Workflows" action in surveillance mode.
- In floodOPT scenario: fixed bug when using only a single update run.
History Matching
- Added the "Bracketing Index" action off of the Objective Function menu available for each set of runs node. This is a useful view to quality check field and well-level history matching bracketing for an ensemble of simulations.
Associated Observed Data
- Observed data imported using the Eclipse name conventions will now appear in Plot 2D sequences panels under the 'Associated' sub-menu. This allows easy comparison between associated and simulated sequences.
- Improved error messages when associating one or more .obs files to simulations. (using "Associate Run(s) With... → Observed Data" action on .dat or group node).
- Support for using any sequence in OF/distance.
View 3D
- In FPMap the thickness is now calculated using min and max range.
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