studioSL v2017.1130 on 11/30/17


  1. Improved confirmation messages when deleting files, folders and simulation nodes.


  1. Improved "Forecast All Workflows" action in surveillance mode.
  2. In floodOPT scenario: fixed bug when using only a single update run.

History Matching

  1. Added the "Bracketing Index" action off of the Objective Function menu available for each set of runs node.  This is a useful view to quality check field and well-level history matching bracketing for an ensemble of simulations.

Associated Observed Data

  1. Observed data imported using the Eclipse name conventions will now appear in Plot 2D sequences panels under the 'Associated' sub-menu. This allows easy comparison between associated and simulated sequences.
  2. Improved error messages when associating one or more .obs files to simulations. (using "Associate Run(s) With... → Observed Data" action on .dat or group node).
  3. Support for using any sequence in OF/distance.

View 3D

  1. In FPMap the thickness is now calculated using min and max range.
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