studioSL v2018.0408 on 04/08/18

Export Images and Data from Plots

  1. Improved performance on exporting images to PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress.
  2. Export data to spreadsheet (Excel or OpenOffice Calc) now directly creates the file instead of injecting data into the application.

Deck Builder and Grid Builder

  1. Added support for canceling an import of large fault files.
  2. Improved checks in Grid Builder when importing .zmap and .3dslrec.
  3. Added support for exporting to .zip all Grid Builder files.
  4. Added support to flip TOPS depths.


  1. Fixed bug in "List Only Open at End" for wells.
  2. Improved Lock Axes settings to allow to always show Y-axis zero or minimum.
  3. Fixed visibility in Probabilistic Representation percentiles labels when zooming.
  4. Fixed bug when picking a run line/symbol and showing integer parameter value for that run.


  1. Added warning if the minum rate is greater or equal to the maximum rate.

Export Run

  1. Improvements to show list of output files and their size.


  1. Added ability to set a NULL value for a parameter distribution: that value will not be used in plots and dGSA.
  2. Added support in parameterized geomodel when using folders with multiple levels containing geomodel include files.
  3. Fixed check to ensure all parameters in the template either as aggregated or as non-aggregated.
  4. For Intersect (IX) flow simulations:
    1. Fixed order of .ixf include files under the .afi template for IX.
    2. Fixed a bug using single quotes to enclose an include path in IX.
  5. Fixed bug in assigning colors to parameter values in 2D and sensitivity analysis plots.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Better check for wells that have both production and injection volumes in multiple consecutive months.

3D Viewer

  1. Flip axes settings are now remembered between sessions.
  2. Added protection after an out-of-memory error occurs.


  1. Fixed bug in parsing .inc files.
  2. Fixed bug with unexpected region name in .SMSPEC file.
  3. Added support in .vol files for both "*MSM3GAS" and "*MSM3 GAS" keywords.

History Matching

  1. Fixed error when creating a new HM project from a set of runs.

Job Launcher

  1. Added advanced run actions to choose which executable to use in multiRUNS project.

MDS Plot

  1. When opening MDS plot now show the selected clusterization.

CSV Viewer

  1. Fixed CSV viewer to properly show empty cells.
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