- Updated 3DSL executables and manual to v2018.0608.
Custom Well Groups
- Fixed crash when importing well groups from other runs or OFM.
Deck Builder / Grid Builder
- The names of the output files are now based on the name of the .griddef file and cannot be modified.
- It is now possible to import SOIL, SWAT, SGAS zmaps and generate a .sat file with initial saturations.
- Improved ZMAP 3D annotation, now it is possible to load it with a color map.
- Updated panel to import Grid Builder in Deck Builder.
- Now it is possible to decide which faults to export in Grid Builder and to reset the fault file.
- Fixed bug in Deck Builder when aborting the grid creation from a .3dslrec file.
3D Viewer
- Fixed bug when pressing the ">" and "<" buttons while no keywords are available.
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