- Included 3DSL simulator v2018.0901.
Export Streamlines from Eclipse Flow Simulations
- Added support for .FEGRID files.
- Added support for dual -porosity ECL/IX flow simulations. The generated _slx.3dsl file now has DUALPORO=ECLIPSE.
Simulation Groups
- Fixed bug when modifying the Base Runs of a Simulation Group if a base run was previously deleted.
General Bug fixes
- studioSL now trims negative values of RFIPMOIW and RFIPMOIG.
- Improved file filtering when including a file.
- Fixed bug that occurred when compressing a simulation with a '.' in its name.
- Added support to align to the start of the year when creating a forecast run.
IX/ECL files
- studioSL checks if the h5 file is up-to-date before using it.
- Fixed failed run state when IX/ECL stopped because of a license lost error.
HME 2D Grid Properties
- Improved calculation speed.
- Added the SUM value to histogram plots.
Plot 2D
- Improved performance of Objective Function plot.
- Several bugs fixed when looking at an Objective Function in the standard 2D plot.
- Fixed bug when changing the parameter type.
- Added stricter checks on parameter names.
- Allow Velocity to change an existing parameter value using #set directive.
3D Probabilistic Representation
- Improved progress bar when creating 3D PR.
3D View
- Added Maximum Recovery Factor (RF*) as an Associated Runs With grid property calculation.
- If RF* is present studioSL will calculate RFIPOILRF=PV*So@t=0 * (RF*-RF@t).
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