studioSL v2018.0901 on 09/01/18


  1. Included 3DSL simulator v2018.0901.

Export Streamlines from Eclipse Flow Simulations

  1. Added support for .FEGRID files.
  2. Added support for dual -porosity ECL/IX flow simulations. The generated _slx.3dsl file now has DUALPORO=ECLIPSE.

Simulation Groups

  1. Fixed bug when modifying the Base Runs of a Simulation Group if a base run was previously deleted.

General Bug fixes

  1. studioSL now trims negative values of RFIPMOIW and RFIPMOIG.
  2. Improved file filtering when including a file.
  3. Fixed bug that occurred when compressing a simulation with a '.' in its name.
  4. Added support to align to the start of the year when creating a forecast run.

IX/ECL files

  1. studioSL checks if the h5 file is up-to-date before using it.
  2. Fixed failed run state when IX/ECL stopped because of a license lost error.

HME 2D Grid Properties

  1. Improved calculation speed.
  2. Added the SUM value to histogram plots.

Plot 2D

  1. Improved performance of Objective Function plot.
  2. Several bugs fixed when looking at an Objective Function in the standard 2D plot.


  1. Fixed bug when changing the parameter type.
  2. Added stricter checks on parameter names.
  3. Allow Velocity to change an existing parameter value using #set directive.

3D Probabilistic Representation

  1. Improved progress bar when creating 3D PR.

3D View

  1. Added Maximum Recovery Factor (RF*) as an Associated Runs With grid property calculation.
  2. If RF* is present studioSL will calculate RFIPOILRF=PV*So@t=0 * (RF*-RF@t).
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