New Project View
- The Simulation Project and Surveillance Project are the only top-level projects.
- Now multiRUNS, History Matching, and floodOPT projects appear directly where they are inside the Simulation or Surveillance Folder projects.
- Added tables for all time varying data: prices, interest rates, CAPEX, fixed, variable, chemical OPEX.
- Tabular data can be copy/paste from/to Excel.
- Added tax and royalty rates and tax status (newcomer/taxpayer).
- Added economic limit to zero-out all NPV calculation when limit is reached.
- Added intermediate 2D sequences for pre-taxes, after-taxes analysis: cashflow, revenues, technical costs, fiscal costs, taxable income, government take, etc.
- Added liquid production as a variable cost.
- Updated Injection Efficiency plot with variable liquid and/or oil, water production costs.
multiRUNS Project
- Now support NULL values when importing parameterized geomodel include files.
- When copying/pasting a new parameterization to a new workflow we reuse the same original template only if the selected base case is the same.
Differential Evolution
- Now show all run points in the parameter variation plot separating each generation with a vertical marker.
Generalized Sensitivity Analysis
- Fixed bugs in bootstrap of the dGSA algorithm.
Custom Well Groups panel
- Removed button to apply the expression only to the selected wells.
- Moved the action to import well groups on the Wells node and restyled the panel.
Injection Efficiency plot
- In the tool panel the well selection and the pattern selection are now independent.
- Now the plot can be refreshed when simulation has been re-launched.
- Better calculation of the slope rays in the crossplot.
- Now it is possible to increase the 3DSL executable stack size up to 2 GB.
- studioSL now supports the tNavigator simulator.
Forecast Simulation
- Added option to forecast from the first of the year.
- Updated floodOPT executable to version 2018.1020.
- floodOPT will create a summary run at the end of the forecat in the project and in the Simulation Groups scenarios. This is done by concatenating all forecast runs 2D and 3D output files together.
- When exporting to Excel now studioSL creates different sheets for injectors and producers wells.
- New 3DSL simulations files are created with the .3dsl extension, rather than .dat.
- Improved Copy/Paste dialog
Grid Builder
- Improved support for ZMAP files with geographical coordinates.
- Now it is possible to provide a ZMAP file with bottom surface coordinates.
- 3D view ZMAP files has been improved.
- Cells with zero porosity and permeability are now inactive.
Objective Function/Distances
- Added selector for tracers to quickly create tracer measures.
- Now it is possible to use economic sequences for field distances.
Plot 2D
- Added feature to export the data of an histogram plot to Excel.
Well Pattern Tool
- Added tool to create regular well patterns on a 2D grid.
Probabilistic Representation 3D
- Now available from every node in multiRUNS project representing a set of runs.
ECLIPSE Schedule File Converter
- Now it is possible to customize the prefix/suffix of names for the producer wells converted to injectors.
Observed Data
- Added a preparatory step to fill or remove gaps in the data due to NULL or missing values. in .obs files, so there is no ambiguous data when interpolating or converting sequences.
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