studioSL v2019.0517 on 05/17/19


  1. Included latest version of 3DSL v2019.0510. See release log for details.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Added support for importing PLT injection profiles via CSV-format.
  2. Fixed bug with Start of Output date not being inclusive in Advanced Settings tab.
  3. Improved warning messages in the output window and in the .3dslrec file header.

Deck Builder

  1. Improved support for relative paths.

Grid Builder

  1. Improved usability of the Grid Builder panels for faults definition.
  2. Improved logic when creating output files.
  3. Better error checking for ZMap files

Objective Function and MDS distances

  1. Improved calculation of Bracketing Index.

Observed Data

  1. Pressure sequences are converted using the setting for global pressure unit in the main toolbar.

Simulation Groups

  1. Added ability to create a new simulation group from an existing simulation group.


  1. Delta rate values in the Plot Rates tool panel now have a with sign, rather than being absolute values.
  2. When selecting closed wells in the floodOPT Configuration panel, they will not be added to the right-hand list.

Well Pattern Tool

  1. Improved usability of WPatTool panel.
  2. Better default forf size of patterns depending on the grid size.
  3. Using Total Injected Volume instead of PVDINJ and Pore Volume.

studioSL Installer

  1. Open a request for administrator privileges immediately.
  2. Fixed default installation folder when in administrator mode.
  3. Signed the executable with Streamsim certificate.
  4. Fixed bug with authentication on
  5. Fixed message when installing studioSL beta version.

Plot 2D

  1. Fixed bug in Probabilistic Representation.

3D Viewer

  1. Fixed bug not showing reservoir liquid and cumulative injection sequences on bubbles.
  2. Improved support for .zmap files by rendering them as a grid.
  3. Added support for longitude/latitude for .zmap as a grid.
  4. Fixed bug when visualizing TRANZ when NZ=1.

RLM License Manager

  1. Added support for RLM Cloud licenses.
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