- Included latest version of 3DSL v2019.0510. See release log for details.
Well Data Import Tool
- Added support for importing PLT injection profiles via CSV-format.
- Fixed bug with Start of Output date not being inclusive in Advanced Settings tab.
- Improved warning messages in the output window and in the .3dslrec file header.
Deck Builder
- Improved support for relative paths.
Grid Builder
- Improved usability of the Grid Builder panels for faults definition.
- Improved logic when creating output files.
- Better error checking for ZMap files
Objective Function and MDS distances
- Improved calculation of Bracketing Index.
Observed Data
- Pressure sequences are converted using the setting for global pressure unit in the main toolbar.
Simulation Groups
- Added ability to create a new simulation group from an existing simulation group.
- Delta rate values in the Plot Rates tool panel now have a with sign, rather than being absolute values.
- When selecting closed wells in the floodOPT Configuration panel, they will not be added to the right-hand list.
Well Pattern Tool
- Improved usability of WPatTool panel.
- Better default forf size of patterns depending on the grid size.
- Using Total Injected Volume instead of PVDINJ and Pore Volume.
studioSL Installer
- Open a request for administrator privileges immediately.
- Fixed default installation folder when in administrator mode.
- Signed the executable with Streamsim certificate.
- Fixed bug with authentication on www.streamsim.com.
- Fixed message when installing studioSL beta version.
Plot 2D
- Fixed bug in Probabilistic Representation.
3D Viewer
- Fixed bug not showing reservoir liquid and cumulative injection sequences on bubbles.
- Improved support for .zmap files by rendering them as a grid.
- Added support for longitude/latitude for .zmap as a grid.
- Fixed bug when visualizing TRANZ when NZ=1.
RLM License Manager
- Added support for RLM Cloud licenses.
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