studioSL v2019.0716 on 07/16/19

Well-level History Matching Project

  1. History Matching Project with a new GUI and support for two algorithms: SLRegion and SmartPaint
    1. SLRegion and SmartPaint algorithms integrated into one workflow.
    2. Completely revised 5-step workflow of well selection, time intervals, well-pair configuration, keyword selection, and run configuration.
    3. Seamlessly switch between SLRegion and SmartPaint after a cycle is completed.
    4. Algorithm improvements to both SLRegion and SmartPaint.

Minor Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a threading bug when opening a plot from a node representing a set of runs.
  2. Fixed bug when copy/paste a 3DSL input *.3dsl  file that can collide with a *.dat file that is already present in the same folder.
  3. When selecting the action 'Create Probablistic Representation' for 3D properties within multiRuns, the action failed.
  4. When adding a new economic scenario to an existing plot, the plot did not always refresh.
  5. Well paths not always visible in View 3D if timestep selector was on the zero timestep, when selecting 'Load Input Paths + Perfs'.  
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