studioSL v2019.0917 on 09/17/19

Export .obs to Excel

  1. Added checks for wrong ECLIPSE sequences names in input .obs.csv files.
  2. Added checks for injection/production conflicting ECLIPSE sequences for the same well.
  3. Added support for quotes in .obs.csv files.
  4. Updated Apache POI and related libraries.
  5. Fixed columns limits when exporting to Excel/OpenOffice.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Fixed bug when reading Excel files.

History Matching

  1. Fixed bug when creating time intervals.

3DSL simulator

  1. Updated 3DSL to version 2019.0822.
  2. Added MODEL=SINGLEPHASE keyword and deprecated MODEL=TRACER.

Deck Builder

  1. Support for MODEL=SINGLEPHASE keyword and deprecated MODEL=TRACER.
  2. Fixed bug when removing ECLIPSEEGRID keywords from GRID section.

Grid Builder

  1. 3D preview of ZMap files now works when the file has no extension.


  1. Fixed bug that kept open files when creating runs.
  2. Fixed bug on parameter values no longer editable in Simulation Viewer.

View 3D

  1. Fixed bug when Z scaling is reduced to zero.


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