studioSL v2019.1011 on 10/11/19


  1. Improved performance when copy/paste parameter values from Excel to Simulation Viewer.
  2. Improved performance when expanding project, workflow, parameterization, and sampling/optimization nodes.

Simulation Groups

  1. Improved performance on creation of a new simulation group.

Deck Builder

  1. Fixed Corey equations to now honor Krmax when calculating relative permeabilities tables.

Plot 2D

  1. Improved performance of plotting charts with many points.
  2. Improved legend labels for patterns sequences.
  3. Improved continuous legends when in vertical mode.
  4. Allow to change color of set of runs and probabilistic representation areas in the toolpanel.

Exception Reporter

  1. Error reporting in studioSL is now sending details to our new bug tracker in GitLab and uploading files in Amazon Web Services removing limitations on size.

Objective Function / Distances

  1. Now invalid sequences are grayed out instead of hiding them.
  2. Allow to choose Field Average Pressure (FPR vs FPRH) for Objective Function calculations.

3D Viewer

  1. Fixed bug when plotting .zmap file as points: grid related actions were enabled.

Well Groups

  1. Fixed bug that when creating well groups the new group was not always visible.

Sensitivity Plots

  1. Fixed bug: tornado and dGSA plots had axis actions for X and Y axis reversed.
  2. Parameter vs Response plot can now color by generations when in Differential Evolution context.




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