studioSL v2020.0324 on 03/24/20

New studioSL version

  1. Added message that will appear when the new studioSL version will be available.

Injection Efficiency

  1. Fixed bug on quick selection.

3D View

  1. Fixed bug when exporting FPMap.
  2. Fixed bug in 3D Probabilistic Representation when K-average is on.
  3. Fixed flipped normals bug in .zmap 3D visualization

Objective Function

  1. Fixed bug in resetting end timestep every time opening OF definition panel.

3DSL Editor

  1. Properly color the well names in syntax highlighting.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Issuing a warning when OFM well depths are in TVD instead of TVDSS.
  2. Support for well legs for all data sources.
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