studioSL v2020.0407 on 04/07/20

v2020.0407 requires a new installation of studioSL and comes with updated versions of 3DSL and floodOPT executables. 


  1. Updated executable to 2020.0407.
  2. Performance improvements on multi-core runs.
  3. Compressible surveillance models.
  4. Forecasting surveillance models.
  5. H5 file support.


  1. Updated executable to 2020.0407.
  2. Co-injection of gas and water now allowed for rate target calculations.
  3. Can now control volume percentage to remove going to/coming from aquifers/boundaries.
  4. Improved calculations when using reservoir targets.
  5. Better output to .eco file.
  6. Copy of a workflow now preserves the settings.
  7. Summary run now includes .WAF/.SLBUN file.
  8. When forecasting, if 'Calculate average connections efficiencies' was checked and only 1 floodOPT forecast rate updates was set, the floodopt forecast would not run.
  9. Now default to use .slbun file over .waf for floodOPT executable.
  10. Table list of well rates was not updating when switching between 'Proposed by floodOPT' and 'After Simulation.

Java and NetBeans Platform

  1. Upgraded to Java 13 and NetBeans 11.3.

Look and feel

  1. Default to FlatLaf look and feel.
  2. Use vector icons to better support high density screens.


  1. Added support for SLFREQ in the graphical interface.

Grid Builder

  1. Clarify that the bottom of the previous zone is used as the top of next zone if no TOPS file specified.


  1. Faster start-up of studioSL.
  2. General improvements for Plot 2D, 3D View, Objective Function and distances calculations.

History Matching

  1. Improved support for INTERSECT simulations:
    1. Better support for active cells in gsg.
    2. Support PLT/RFT data
    3. Added Writeflows=yes.
  2. Added copy/paste of workflow configurations.

Well Pattern Tool

  1. Bug fixes related to setting pattern size.

3D View

  1. Upgraded to Java 3D 1.7.0 and fixed several Java3D bugs.
  2. Smart labeling.
  3. Interactive pick and hover on the FPMap.
  4. Improved grid picking.
  5. Right-click on wells to plot well and pattern responses.
  6. Redesigned ToolPanel tabs.
  7. Fixed range of timesteps when exporting FPMap data.
  8. Grid Picking when Apply Masks is on now only picks cells in the mask displayed.

Simulation Projects

  1. Added Delete Output Files action to clean folders from simulations output files.

Differential Evolution

  1. Now able to run initial runs and generations with a single setup step.

Export runs

  1. Shortened folder names containing include files when zipping runs.


  1. Added statistics for categorical variables.

Plot 2D

  1. Field and Well plot actions merged into one.
  2. Fixed bug with voidage cumulatives being zero in forecast runs.
  3. List of wells belonging to a well group now visible.
  4. Better labels in Y axis when in logarithmic scale.
  5. Fixed bug on show/hide rays in Injection Efficiency plot.

3DSL Editor

  1. Fixed bug in syntax highlighting when well names start with numbers.


  1. Shorten file name of forecast simulations created through the Forecast action.
  2. Forecast action now also works with surveillance models.

CSV Files

  1. Fixed bug with spaces interpreted as columns delimiters.
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