v2020.0407 requires a new installation of studioSL and comes with updated versions of 3DSL and floodOPT executables.
- Updated executable to 2020.0407.
- Performance improvements on multi-core runs.
- Compressible surveillance models.
- Forecasting surveillance models.
- H5 file support.
- Updated executable to 2020.0407.
- Co-injection of gas and water now allowed for rate target calculations.
- Can now control volume percentage to remove going to/coming from aquifers/boundaries.
- Improved calculations when using reservoir targets.
- Better output to .eco file.
- Copy of a workflow now preserves the settings.
- Summary run now includes .WAF/.SLBUN file.
- When forecasting, if 'Calculate average connections efficiencies' was checked and only 1 floodOPT forecast rate updates was set, the floodopt forecast would not run.
- Now default to use .slbun file over .waf for floodOPT executable.
- Table list of well rates was not updating when switching between 'Proposed by floodOPT' and 'After Simulation.
Java and NetBeans Platform
- Upgraded to Java 13 and NetBeans 11.3.
Look and feel
- Default to FlatLaf look and feel.
- Use vector icons to better support high density screens.
- Added support for SLFREQ in the graphical interface.
Grid Builder
- Clarify that the bottom of the previous zone is used as the top of next zone if no TOPS file specified.
- Faster start-up of studioSL.
- General improvements for Plot 2D, 3D View, Objective Function and distances calculations.
History Matching
- Improved support for INTERSECT simulations:
- Better support for active cells in gsg.
- Support PLT/RFT data
- Added Writeflows=yes.
- Added copy/paste of workflow configurations.
Well Pattern Tool
- Bug fixes related to setting pattern size.
3D View
- Upgraded to Java 3D 1.7.0 and fixed several Java3D bugs.
- Smart labeling.
- Interactive pick and hover on the FPMap.
- Improved grid picking.
- Right-click on wells to plot well and pattern responses.
- Redesigned ToolPanel tabs.
- Fixed range of timesteps when exporting FPMap data.
- Grid Picking when Apply Masks is on now only picks cells in the mask displayed.
Simulation Projects
- Added Delete Output Files action to clean folders from simulations output files.
Differential Evolution
- Now able to run initial runs and generations with a single setup step.
Export runs
- Shortened folder names containing include files when zipping runs.
- Added statistics for categorical variables.
Plot 2D
- Field and Well plot actions merged into one.
- Fixed bug with voidage cumulatives being zero in forecast runs.
- List of wells belonging to a well group now visible.
- Better labels in Y axis when in logarithmic scale.
- Fixed bug on show/hide rays in Injection Efficiency plot.
3DSL Editor
- Fixed bug in syntax highlighting when well names start with numbers.
- Shorten file name of forecast simulations created through the Forecast action.
- Forecast action now also works with surveillance models.
CSV Files
- Fixed bug with spaces interpreted as columns delimiters.
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