studioSL v2020.1015 on 10/15/20


  1. Includes 3DSL executables v2020.1014.


  1. Includes floodOPT executables v2020.1008.
  2. Improved parsing of .aux file and added new floodOPT suggested phase rates.
  3. Rate constraints not always honored for systems with both water and gas injection.

RLM license manager

  1. Now including rlmstat.exe for query the licenses usage.
  2. Fixed bug happening when returning a roamed license.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Fixed bugs on warning messages about PLT events.
  2. Added support for geoSCOUT Excel event files.

3D Viewer

  1. Reduced memory usage on building 3D grid internal data.


  1. Improved performance when reading metadata for 2D plot.

Linked simulation files

  1. Renamed "Associated" to "Linked" simulation files, such as .obs or external grid files.
  2. Better handling of cleaned versions of .obs files: now overwriting cleaned version ones by default.

Simulation Groups and Forecast Scenarios

  1. Added ability to create new Simulation Groups from runs already belonging to existing Simulation Groups or Forecast Scenarios.

NetBeans Platform

  1. Disabled NetBeans "Local History" feature as it causes slowness when deleting a simulation.
  2. Disabled NetBeans "Janitor" feature, useful to clean long unused studioSL installations.

Deck Builder

  1. Added widgets to control STOPSIMTIME.

Plot 2D

  1. Fixed labels position for runs lines and for 2D Probabilitic Representation percentiles lines.
  2. Fixed color settings for groups of runs in the 2D plot.
  3. Improved performance of Injection Efficiency plot.


  1. Added logarithmic option for uniform and normal distributions.

tNavigator support

  1. Improved support for launching tNavigator executable, adding more command line options.


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