studioSL v2021.0407 on 04/07/20

Clustering and distances

  1. Added ability to select runs based on their eigenvalues.

CMG Simulators

  1. IMEX, STARS, GEM simulator executables can now be run from r-click menu action off of a CMG simulation node.
  2. Basic support in mutiRuns based on a CMG input deck.
  3. Fixed bug when reading timestep list in the .sr3 output file.  


  1. Time steps dropdown list in STARTSIMTIME/STOPSIMTIME selectors now have STOP icons if keyword present.
  2. Fixed bug with equilibrium initialization saturations (SINIT, SGAS, SOIL, SWAT) being mutually exclusive.


  1. Changed GUI using section panels to collapse/expand different group of grid properties.
  2. Added support for integer grid properties.
  3. Fixed bugs with bottom-up or top-down Z axis direction.
  4. Fixed bug with bilinear interpolation when calculating surfaces from .zmap files.

Field/Well Plots

  1. Hide YEARS sequence in tool panel.
  2. Cumulative historical dots are no longer shifting to the middle of the time interval as rates dots do in stairstep plot mode.


  1. GUI redesign of the forecast panel
  2. Moved summary forecast run just below the base run.
  3. Fixed logic of HISTINJ/HISTPRD in case of surveillance simulations according to HISTFREEGAS keyword.


  1. GUI redesign of the forecast panel.

General Fixes

  1. Fixed bug in formatting percentage numbers.

3D Probabilistic Representation

  1. Improved performance by saving only grid geometry and grid properties of active grid blocks.
  2. Simplified GUI of panel for creating 3D probabilistic representation.

3DSL v2021.0407 included.

3D Viewer

  1. Fixed problem with export of selected FPMap wells to OFM .pat and .csv files and improved performance.
  2. Fixed bug in rates units in FPMap tool panel.
  3. Unselected wells in FPmap now appear as open symbols when connected to a selected well (parent).
  4. Added back default slices in IJK limits in grid tool panel.
  5. Fixed bug with well head locations when not available in .wcc/.UNRST files.
  6. Paths and perforations open/closed status now displayed using .3dslrec input rather than from simulation output.

Well Data Import Tool

  1. Better handling of errors by parser of input files.
  2. Uncomment and allow STARTDATE in updated .3dslrec as 3DSL will reset to latest value of keyword.

Well Groups

  1. Improved importing of well groups from OFM definition files, now using TAB as proper columns delimiter.
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