- Updated executables and manual to 2022.0315.
- Updated executables to 2022.0304.
- Fixed bug on adding well groups from well selection in floodOPT configuration panel.
- Fixed bug on title visibility when exporting a floodOPT rates plot.
Eclipse File Parsers
- Fixed bug when calculating the record size when reading Eclipse binary formatted files.
3D Viewer
- Added time step range selection when exporting a 3D plot.
- Fixed formatting of min/max in FPMap toolpanel. Now use the same number formatting as used to display bundle labels.
- Fixed bug in compare mode of K-average. Now K-average is calculated first for each run and then used for comparing two runs' keywords.
- Fixed calculation for recovery factor at reservoir conditions using the first timestep of the base run as initial timestep.
- Added recovery factor at surface conditions as RF_S = (SFIPOIL(t0) - SFIPOIL(t)) / SFIPOIL(t0).
- Fixed bug with well heads disappearing when 'Show All Well Completions' flag was off.
- Fixed bug not saving pins and labels sizes to view templates.
- Fixed bug not honoring multiple clicks in the Time Range selector in FPMap.
Plot 2D
- Fixed bug on legend position when exporting a 2D plot.
- Fixed calculation for recovery factor at reservoir conditions to now be relative to the initial timestep, rather than the current timestep.
Grid Builder
- Added feature to export and import a .csv of multiple .zmaps for the wireframe and grid properties panels.
- Fixed bug when loading multiple .zmap files as surfaces.
- Fixed bug when reading .zmap files as integer values.
- Fixed bug resetting to zero maximum calculated NTG/PORO.
- Clarify units in grid geometry configuration.
- Added tooltip with help for spinners to set frequency of different outputs in GRID section.
- Fixed logic to enable/disable spinners depending on output formats selections.
- Added NNCEGRID flag to Grid Builder and Import Grid tabs.
Well Groups
- Better notification when a well group has been created.
- Fixed bug in parsers assuming there is no data when some unrelated file is in the simulation folder.
Internal changes
- Refactoring of grid, grid blocks, grid block faces object model.
- Replaced HDF Group 1.12.x with JHDF5 implementation of HDF5 library.
- Upgraded JavaCPP HDF5 library to 1.12.1-1.5.6.
- Improved internal NDArrays library.
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