studioSL v2022.0718 (2022/07/18)

3DSL, floodOPT, WPatTool Executables

  1. Updated 3DSL executables and manual to 2022.0712.
  2. Updated floodOPT executables to 2022.0620
  3. Updated executables using RLM libraries to 15.01.
  4. Added support for Windows UNC paths.

3D Viewer

  1. Avoiding loading grid unless needed.
  2. WPatTool default 3D View now selects the grid property showing the wells locations.
  3. Allow to change the name of an exported grid property to when exporting to a .inc file.
  4. When plotting a well pattern the 3D Viewer zooms to the well of interest.
  5. Removed 'Well Full Volume' action for forecast wells.
  6. K-Averaged grid property is now a single layer when showing it in histogram plot.
  7. Improved Shape/Annotations tool panel by saving settings at geometry level.
  8. Fixed black screen when opening the 3D Viewer.
  9. Fixed custom grid properties expression syntax to allow property names like 'MULTX-' by using quotes.
  10. Fixed bug on missing SOIL for some timesteps.
  11. Fixed a few internal bugs in 3D.

Plot 2D

  1. Fixed HME plot not refreshing properly when changing settings in tool panel.
  2. Fixed improper scaling in HME crossplot.
  3. Revisited 'List Wells Mode', now defaulting to 'List All Wells' when the resulting list is empty.
  4. Changed icons for 'List Wells Mode' as well.
  5. Fixed bug in IE plot caused by different precision in STARTSIMTIME and TIME keywords in 3DSL.
  6. Added new calculated sequences: WAG (water alternating gas) and GLR (gas-liquid ratio).


  1. Fixed missing values in comment string of RELPERMS tables.
  2. Fixed message in DeckBuilder when checking for errors in GridBuilder.
  3. Improved RELPERMS section GUI panel.
  4. Added WELLSALLOWED keyword in TUNING3D section.
  5. Locked X and Y extents by default in shoebox GRID section.
  6. Fixed bug in export to image not exporting updated plot image.

Observed Data

  1. Wells, sequence names and unit of measurement are now case insensitive.

Objective Function

  1. Fixed bug opening an empty OF compare plot.

Differential Evolution

  1. Improved performance of 'Run Relations' when plotting OF in a DE optimization.

floodOPT Project

  1. Fixed error in floodOPT workflows.

History Matching Project

  1. Asking for Bo, Bg, Bw, Rs when missing in the input simulation.
  2. Fixed bug freezing studioSL when creating a new cycle and when selecting wells in an HM workflow.

Simulation Files

  1. When renaming a run, now studioSL also renames the '' metadata file.

Export Runs

  1. Fixed bug in 'Export Run' adding '_1' to include files in .zip.


  1. Improved Velocity macros for generating RELPERMS tables in multiRUNS.
  2. Fixed usability in 'Insert Parameter' popup not scrolling when not needed.
  3. Fixed bug freezing studioSL when clicking on 'Generate Runs' in Simulation Viewer.

UNC Paths support and File Choosers improvements

  1. Added support for Windows UNC paths (e.g. '\\SERVER123\SHARED_FOLDER') throughout studioSL.
  2. Added settings to remove customizations in FileChoosers.


  1. Fixed opening a link on the system default browser.
  2. Fixed bug when listing files of a folder in Windows.
  3. Fixed bug when setting maximum heap memory in studioSL Startup options.
  4. Fixed tooltip in 'Runs Monitor' icon column.
  5. When expanding a section panel, now it ensures it is visible by scrolling the container.
  6. Fixed wrong classloader in ForkJoinPool.
  7. Catching network errors when network disk is disconnected.
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