3DSL, floodOPT, WPatTool Executables
- Updated 3DSL executables and manual to 2022.0712.
- Updated floodOPT executables to 2022.0620
- Updated executables using RLM libraries to 15.01.
- Added support for Windows UNC paths.
3D Viewer
- Avoiding loading grid unless needed.
- WPatTool default 3D View now selects the grid property showing the wells locations.
- Allow to change the name of an exported grid property to when exporting to a .inc file.
- When plotting a well pattern the 3D Viewer zooms to the well of interest.
- Removed 'Well Full Volume' action for forecast wells.
- K-Averaged grid property is now a single layer when showing it in histogram plot.
- Improved Shape/Annotations tool panel by saving settings at geometry level.
- Fixed black screen when opening the 3D Viewer.
- Fixed custom grid properties expression syntax to allow property names like 'MULTX-' by using quotes.
- Fixed bug on missing SOIL for some timesteps.
- Fixed a few internal bugs in 3D.
Plot 2D
- Fixed HME plot not refreshing properly when changing settings in tool panel.
- Fixed improper scaling in HME crossplot.
- Revisited 'List Wells Mode', now defaulting to 'List All Wells' when the resulting list is empty.
- Changed icons for 'List Wells Mode' as well.
- Fixed bug in IE plot caused by different precision in STARTSIMTIME and TIME keywords in 3DSL.
- Added new calculated sequences: WAG (water alternating gas) and GLR (gas-liquid ratio).
- Fixed missing values in comment string of RELPERMS tables.
- Fixed message in DeckBuilder when checking for errors in GridBuilder.
- Improved RELPERMS section GUI panel.
- Added WELLSALLOWED keyword in TUNING3D section.
- Locked X and Y extents by default in shoebox GRID section.
- Fixed bug in export to image not exporting updated plot image.
Observed Data
- Wells, sequence names and unit of measurement are now case insensitive.
Objective Function
- Fixed bug opening an empty OF compare plot.
Differential Evolution
- Improved performance of 'Run Relations' when plotting OF in a DE optimization.
floodOPT Project
- Fixed error in floodOPT workflows.
History Matching Project
- Asking for Bo, Bg, Bw, Rs when missing in the input simulation.
- Fixed bug freezing studioSL when creating a new cycle and when selecting wells in an HM workflow.
Simulation Files
- When renaming a run, now studioSL also renames the '.studiosl.properties' metadata file.
Export Runs
- Fixed bug in 'Export Run' adding '_1' to include files in .zip.
- Improved Velocity macros for generating RELPERMS tables in multiRUNS.
- Fixed usability in 'Insert Parameter' popup not scrolling when not needed.
- Fixed bug freezing studioSL when clicking on 'Generate Runs' in Simulation Viewer.
UNC Paths support and File Choosers improvements
- Added support for Windows UNC paths (e.g. '\\SERVER123\SHARED_FOLDER') throughout studioSL.
- Added settings to remove customizations in FileChoosers.
- Fixed opening a link on the system default browser.
- Fixed bug when listing files of a folder in Windows.
- Fixed bug when setting maximum heap memory in studioSL Startup options.
- Fixed tooltip in 'Runs Monitor' icon column.
- When expanding a section panel, now it ensures it is visible by scrolling the container.
- Fixed wrong classloader in ForkJoinPool.
- Catching network errors when network disk is disconnected.
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