If you are experiencing problems downloading the .zip files because of a timeout error, you can download smaller-sized files in succession and then concatenate them using the correspondent batch file (.bat) or bash script (.sh):
studioSL official release
Installation .zip files (64 bit):
Windows 64 bit (download one-at-the-time): | Linux 64 bit (download one-at-the-time): |
Command to concatenate the split files: COPY /B split-installation-studioSL-2016-win-x64.zip.* installation-studioSL-2016-win-x64.zip |
Command to concatenate the split files: cat split-installation-studioSL-2016-linux-x64.zip.* > installation-studioSL-2016-linux-x64.zip |
Installation .zip files (32 bit):
Windows 32 bit (download one-at-the-time): | Linux 32 bit (download one-at-the-time): |
Command to concatenate the split files: COPY /B split-installation-studioSL-2016-win-i86.zip.* installation-studioSL-2016-win-i86.zip |
Command to concatenate the split files: cat split-installation-studioSL-2016-linux-i86.zip.* > installation-studioSL-2016-linux-i86.zip |
Offline updates .zip files:
Windows/ Linux (download one-at-the-time):
- Batch (run this file to concatenate the split files or alternatively use the command line below).
Command to concatenate the split files:
COPY /B split-studioSL-2016-updates.zip.* studioSL-2016-updates.zip
- Bash Script (run this file to concatenate the split files or alternatively use the command line below)
Command to concatenate the split files:
cat split-studioSL-2016-updates.zip.* > studioSL-2016-updates.zip
studioSL beta release
Installation .zip files (64 bit):
Windows 64 bit (download one-at-the-time): | Linux 64 bit (download one-at-the-time): |
Command to concatenate the split files: COPY /B split-installation-studioSL-beta-win-x64.zip.* installation-studioSL-beta-win-x64.zip |
Command to concatenate the split files: cat split-installation-studioSL-beta-linux-x64.zip.* > installation-studioSL-beta-linux-x64.zip |
Installation .zip files (32 bit):
Windows 32 bit (download one-at-the-time): | Linux 32 bit (download one-at-the-time): |
Command to concatenate the split files: COPY /B split-installation-studioSL-beta-win-i86.zip.* installation-studioSL-beta-win-i86.zip |
Command to concatenate the split files: cat split-installation-studioSL-beta-linux-i86.zip.* > installation-studioSL-beta-linux-i86.zip |
Offline updates .zip files:
Windows/ Linux (download one-at-the-time):
- Batch (run this file to concatenate the split files or alternatively use the command line below).
Command to concatenate the split files:
COPY /B split-studioSL-beta-updates.zip.* studioSL-beta-updates.zip
- Bash Script (run this file to concatenate the split files or alternatively use the command line below)
Command to concatenate the split files:
cat split-studioSL-beta-updates.zip.* > studioSL-beta-updates.zip