We are please to announce an update to studioSL and 3DSL. The latest release versions are v2015.1217. Details about the updates can be found in the Release Log on the Streamsim website for each product.
To upgrade studioSL and 3DSL, select Help-->Check for Updates and follow the instructions. If company policy prevents you from connecting to the Streamsim server, select Help-->Offline Updates instead to retrieve a zip-file from our website. еК
Note that the studioSL update will automatically install 3DSL v2015.1217 . You can always revert back to an older version of 3DSL by going to Tools-->Options-->Executables. Select 3DSL (Release) and use the drop down menu to choose the desired version.
studioSL 2015.1217 ReleaseеКmultiRUNS (studioSL project that encompasses uncertainty quantification, screening of geological models, and field-level calibration)
- Improved how parametrizations are copied and new parameters added. This is important when the screening of geological models using simple flow physics is followed by full-physics simulation with uncertainty in global flow parameters.
- It is now possible to switch simulation engines (3DSL to Eclipse) from one parametrization to the next.еК
- Geo-parameters can now be specified using either the name of the directory or an external file. See here for details.
GridBuilder Tool (studioSL tool to quickly build a grid from Zmaps) еК еК
- The GridBuilder is a new tool to quickly build grids for surveillance or simulation purposes from Zmaps and well locations. TheеК
Well Data Import Tool
- Improve the ability to create an updated .3dslrec file with new historical production data and new wells. еКYou no longer have to add new wells to your old .3dslrec file.
Other improvements & Bug Fixes
- In the multiRUNS simulation viewer when sorting by a specific parameter, the parameter values were not mapped correctly to the rows.
- Added the support for character records with more than 8 Bytes grouped by 105 elements in the ECLIPSE output file format.еК
- Fixed calculation of interpolated values using properties values read from ZMap files, and now supporting ZMap files without .zmap extension when browsing for files.
- Improved support for AdobeеЁ Acrobat Reader.
3DSL 2015.1217 Release
- 3DSL now outputs the .EGRID file as default rather than the .GRID file. The .EGRID format is typically about 60% smaller than the .GRID format so is faster to read/write.
- If NX or NY or NZ was larger than 9999, studioSL would not show the FPmap due to **** in the .wcc file. еК3DSL can now write well i,j,k locations to the .wcc file that are up to 99999.
- When converting a .SCH file to a .3dslrec file, if only two TSTEPS were present, the well completions were not being written out.
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