studioSL Release 2013.0927

We are pleased to announce the release of studioSL version 2013.0927. If you have studioSL installed, you can update to the latest version by going to Help-->Check for Updates on the main tool bar and follow the instructions.

This latest release contains a number of important and useful improvements:

  1. Visualize completions as a function of time in a XY-plot. Display this information by selecting the Perforations tab in the Tool Panel when plotting well responses.еК
  2. Q-Cum oil plottingеКisеКnow an option whenеКdisplaying well and field responses.еК
  3. 3D grid propertiesеКcan now beеКdisplayed as 2D averages over all layers. Select the K-Average check-box in the grid tool panel to use this feature.еК
  4. ShadingеКof 3D imagesеКhas been added to significantly enhances the quality of the displayed images. еК
  5. You can R-click on 3D images to access shortcuts to manipulate the look&feel of images. We have also re-arranged and enhanced the toolbar at the bottom of the 3D window. For example, it is possible to directly select the property to display or toggle between slicing and full-volume view.

floodOPT Release 2013.0927

The latest release of studioSL also ships with a new release of floodOPT.еК In this version of floodOPT it is possible to compute rate targets based on injected water as well as injected gas. We have also added additional controls to modify the weighting function used by floodOPT.

Looking Ahead

We are working on a number of exciting developments, some of which are due out before the end of the year. Here is a quick preview:

  1. Expect a new release of 3DSL with many enhancements to the engine, such as initialization with capillary pressure.еК
  2. Improved reservoir diagnostics as part of the surveillance workflow and the ability to import properties using the Zmap format.
  3. Translation framework for studioSL: we are working to have studioSL available in other languages, in particular Chinese and Portuguese.
  4. Support for IMEX simulator post-processing.
  5. Data mining and visualization as part of the MR (MultiRuns) workflow.еК

Visit us at SPE ATCE in New Orleans
If you are planning to attend the SPE ATCE in New Orleans next week, please stop by our booth #1701 in the exhibition hall.

We appreciate your ongoing support. As always, we welcome suggestions for improvements or any other comments you may have.

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