studioSL Release 2014.0301

2014 Major Release: studioSL and 3DSL

We are happy to announce a major release of studioSL and 3DSL for 2014. еКAs with all major releases, a new studioSL installation is required. еКеКTo help with installation, we have upgraded our online installer so that studioSL now comes with Java and Java3D and can be installed in any directory accessible to a user. еКInstallation is a one-click action that you will find on ourеКdownloads page. еКNoteеКthat your current version of studioSL will not be affected and can be used alongside the 2014 release.

studioSL 2014 contains a number of improvements:
  1. When building simple grids for surveillance models, properties such as tops, thickness, and permeabilities can be imported using the Zmap format.
  2. New simulation results can be added to an existing line plot. еКIn the MR workflow, simulation results are added automatically as runs finish.еК
  3. A R-click "forecast" action is now available on a 3DSL or Eclipse node that will automatically produce a no-further-action forecast input file with all the correct INCLUDE files.
  4. 3DSL v2014.0301 is included with this install (see description below).
  5. studioSL is now built on the latest NetBeans 7.4 platform and uses Java 7.еК еКеК
3DSL v2014.0301 contains a number of improvements:
  1. The streamline tracing routines have been improved.
  2. The 1D transport solver has been improved to minimize smearing between aquifer and non-aquifer cells.еК
  3. 3DSL version number is now the same as the release date with the format yyyy.mmdd. еК
  4. Capillary pressure is accounted for at initialization and in the operator splitting step. Use PCAP=ON/OFF to ignore capillary pressure if supplied.еК
  5. Additional operator splitting control is given via the new OSPLIT-keyword.еК
  6. The default transmissibility calculation for CPG cells is now like Eclipse.
  7. The EQUILSAT keyword has been updated to provide additional initialization options.
  8. The keyword OMPTHREADSAFE has been added to the RUNOPTIONS keyword to control the repeatability of results when in parallel-compute mode on multi-core systems.еК
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