studioSL v11.3-2022.0518 and 3DSL v2022.0512 Released

You can update studioSL to the most recent version by selecting "Help->Check for Updates" on the main studioSL toolbar or you can download the offline update from our download page. The Gridbuilder has been improved to allow import of multiple Zmap files through a csv file list.  This update also includes an update to 3DSL. For a complete list of enhancements and fixes see the release log.

studioSL v11.3-2022.0318 and 3DSL v2022.0315 Released

You can update studioSL to the most recent version by selecting "Help->Check for Updates" on the main studioSL toolbar or you can download the offline update from our download page. The Gridbuilder has been improved to allow import of multiple Zmap files through a csv file list.  This update also includes an update to 3DSL. For a complete list of enhancements and fixes see the release log.

studioSL v11.3-2021.1031 and 3DSL v2021.1031 Released

You can update studioSL to the most recent version by selecting "Help->Check for Updates" on the main studioSL toolbar or you can download the offline update from our download page. This update also includes an update 3DSL. For a list of enhancements and fixes to both studioSL and 3DSL see the release log.