studioSL v17.0-2023.0401 Released

We are pleased to announce a fresh release of studioSL. The new release has to be downloaded and installed and can sit side-by-side with your current version of studioSL. Online updates of studioSL version 11.3-2022.1209 or earlier are no longer supported. To install this new release, visit our download page and choose between the online or offline install.

For a complete list of updates see the release log.

studioSL Release V2019.1114

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. Or for off-line install options, visit our download page.  The major improvement in this release is that the Project Viewer has been improved to show floodOPT, HM, multiRUNS projects within their respective Simulation or Surveillance project folder.  See release log for more information.

studioSL Release V2018.1031

To upgrade to the latest version of studioSL, open studioSL and then select Help->Check for Updates from the main toolbar. Or for off-line install options, visit our download page.  The major improvement in this release is that the Project Viewer has been improved to show floodOPT, HM, multiRUNS projects within their respective Simulation or Surveillance project folder.  See release log for more information.